Story #378
Streamline administration of users and accounts across the tools
As a project administrator I would like to minimize the overhead of managing accounts between the various collaboration tools being used on the project.
Automating account management between tools helps ensure consistency of access across the tools, helps minimize the effort needed to maintain accounts, and improves security by have a single point of control across accounts.
Fit Criteria
User accounts for all software can be managed from a single secure location
A summary of users and their group membership can be readily generated
Clear guidelines for group membership and the roles and access control rules of each group are readily available
#1 Updated by Redmine Admin almost 15 years ago
Updated status, related task in progress
#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 14 years ago
This is pretty much sorted through LDAP and the various tools for manipulating the directory. The simplest is to use the plone interface for managing users and groups, but all the regualr LDAP tools work as well.
Any other systems or services that are part of the DataoNE infrastructure should ensure that the existing LDAP accoutns are used as far as possible to avoid proliferation of identities.