Task #310
update system metadata to reflect what clients provide
Dave and I discussed the system metadata that clients must provide when calling MN.create and MN.update. Summary of system metadata changes are below. Need to update both architecture docs and schema. Adjust cardinality so clients can provide valid documents.
Client Identifier IdentifierType 1
Created DateTime 1 (DateUploaded)
DROP SysMetadataCreated DateTime 1 (same as DateUploaded)
SysMetadataModified DateTime 1 (DateSysMetadataModified)
Client ObjectFormat ObjectFormatType 1
Client Size LongInteger 1
Client Submitter PrincipalType 1
Client RightsHolder PrincipalType 1
OriginMemberNode NodeReferenceType 1
AuthoritativeMemberNode NodeReferenceType 1
Client Obsoletes IdentifierType 0..n
Client ObsoletedBy IdentifierType 0..n
Client DerivedFrom IdentifierType 0..n
Client Describes IdentifierType 0..n
Client DescribedBy IdentifierType 0..n
Replica <> 0..n
ReplicaMemberNode NodeReferenceType 1
ReplicationStatus String 1
ReplicaVerified DateTime 1
ReplicationPolicy String 1
Data Consistency
Client Checksum String 1
Client ChecksumAlgorithm String 1
Access Control
Client EmbargoExpires DateTime 0..1
Client AccessRule AccessRuleType 0..n
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
Modified both the SystemMetadata.txt description and the XML Schema document for system metadata, and the corresponding instance document. Needs review by Dave & others to verify that I got this right, then this task can be closed.
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
Closing system metadata revision task. If changes are needed, open another ticket.