Decision #3099
ONE-Mercury display of data set citation
Heather Piwowar has raised some questions regarding the 'data set citation' element display in ONE-Mercury for eml science metadata.
The science metadata display for eml currently displays an element called 'data set citation' which is used to refer to the current data. However, the format of this data is defined by the xsl transform for eml inherited from mercury. The fgdc transformation does not currently create any element/data field called 'data set citation'.
The problem is that the 'data set citation' created by the eml transform in ONE-Mercury may or may not have any relation to the data set citation format used by the author or member node the document originated from. Right now the citation format is controlled/created only in the eml xsl transform (view layer).
The proposal is to remove the 'data set citation' field from the eml science metadata transform in ONE-Mercury.
Secondarily, Heather's suggestion is that the science metadata for each document define the 'data set citation' string for its document. This does not currently seem to part of either the eml or fgdc data format? Ultimately each member node or each document should define the 'data set citation' format of their data.
#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago
Hey Dave - Im not sure who is best to consider this issue.
If you agree the 'data set citation' field should be removed from the eml sci-metadata transformation, let me know and I will create a bug/task to address that specific modification. But I wanted to create a 'higher' level issue to capture this issue.
#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago
Further discussion can be found here: