Task #3011
Story #3010: Create a VPN between the production CNs
Firewall change: ORC (7613 and 7623)
Allow UCSB and UNM machines to communicate to ORNL via ports 7613 and 7623.
+Development+ cn-dev-3.dataone.org
* Connect from cn-dev.dataone.org on port 7613
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7613 from
* Connect from cn-dev-2.dataone.org on port 7623
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7623 from
+Sandbox+ cn-sandbox-orc-1.dataone.org
* Connect from cn-sandbox-ucsb-1.dataone.org on port 7613
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7613 from
* Connect from cn-sandbox-unm-1.dataone.org on port 7623
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7623 from
+Production+ cn-orc-1.dataone.org
* Connect from cn-ucsb-1.dataone.org on port 7613
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7613 from
* Connect from cn-unm-1.dataone.org on port 7623
** @sudo ufw allow to port 7623 from
Related issues
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Target version set to Sprint-2012.25-Block.4.1
- Assignee set to Chris Brumgard
This rule will be similar to the existing rules for ports 5701-5705 as far as the network endpoints are concerned.
Once this VPN is in place and confirmed operational, we do plan to close off most of currently open ports, but a separate request will be issued for that.
#2 Updated by Andrew Pippin over 12 years ago
- Milestone changed from CCI-1.0.0 to CCI-1.0.3
Moving to version 1.0.3.
#3 Updated by Chris Brumgard over 12 years ago
I don't have any control over the ORNL ports nor am I administrating any machines at the ORNL location.
#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
This is actually for the ORC machines. The institutional firewall will need to have these ports open so that we can create a VPN between the locations hosting DataONE hardware. Once the VPN is in place, then we'll be able to close of most of the other open ports.
#5 Updated by Andrew Pippin over 12 years ago
- Subject changed from Firewall change: ORNL (7621 and 7631) to Firewall change: ORC (7613 and 7623)
Changing configuration. ORC is now considered to be node 3.
#6 Updated by Andrew Pippin over 12 years ago
Tested to cn-orc-1.dataone.org, but the port is being blocked. Chris will submit a ticket to OIT at University of Tennessee.
#7 Updated by Chris Brumgard over 12 years ago
Tickets for the required firewall changes have been submitted. Awaiting action by OIT at UT.
#8 Updated by Chris Brumgard over 12 years ago
Ports are now open from anywhere. Will restrict source ip's once vpn details are finalized.
#9 Updated by Chris Brumgard over 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
#10 Updated by Andrew Pippin over 12 years ago
Updated description.
#11 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Rules in place but may need to be revoked depending on final vpn solution.
#12 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Target version deleted (