Bug #2587
schema annotation in Node type is out-of-date with implementation
the annotation for the node / identifier element is incorrect, stating the value can be the same as the basurl. New business rules ("urn:node:" prefix) disallow this.
We need to either to update annotations such as these with current business rules, or decouple "helpful hints" from the schemas, by instead referencing documentation.
xs:documentationA unique identifier for the node. Although this
may initially be the same as the baseURL, such practice is not
recommended however as this value MUST NOT change for future
implementations of the same node, whereas the baseURL may change
in the future. /xs:documentation
Related issues
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 13 years ago
- Assignee changed from Dave Vieglais to Matthew Jones
- Target version set to Sprint-2012.11-Block.2.2
The Architecture docs are created from the schema annotations, so we definitely need to fix the annotations in the schema to be correct. So, this is a bug, and one that needs to be fixed. As it is only a documentation bug and not a schema change, we probably do not need to do a new schema release for this.
#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from Sprint-2012.11-Block.2.2 to Sprint-2012.19-Block.3.2
#3 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 13 years ago
- Target version changed from Sprint-2012.19-Block.3.2 to Sprint-2012.23-Block.3.4
- Position set to 1
#4 Updated by Matthew Jones over 12 years ago
- Position deleted (
16) - Target version changed from Sprint-2012.23-Block.3.4 to Sprint-2012.27-Block.4.2
- Position set to 1
#5 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from Sprint-2012.27-Block.4.2 to Sprint-2012.35-Block.5.2
#6 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Assignee changed from Matthew Jones to Dave Vieglais
- Milestone changed from CCI-1.0.0 to CCI-1.1
- Status changed from New to In Progress
#7 Updated by Rob Nahf over 12 years ago
just a note: prior to registration to an environment, the value can be anything, but node registration provides limits on this field (business rules), so needs to follow the "urn:node" rules found here: http://mule1.dataone.org/ArchitectureDocs-current/design/NodeIdentity.html?highlight=urn
#8 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Sprint-2012.35-Block.5.2) - Project changed from Infrastructure to Redmine Test
- Category deleted (
#9 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Target version set to Sprint-2012.35-Block.5.2
#10 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Due date set to 2012-09-08
Closed with rev:10341
#11 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago
- Milestone set to None
- Project changed from Redmine Test to Infrastructure
#12 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 11 years ago
- Start date deleted (
2012-04-09) - Target version deleted (
Sprint-2012.35-Block.5.2) - Due date deleted (