Task #251
design metacat to accept arbitrary string identifiers
Metacat currently uses string identifiers of the form:
Under DataONE, we've specified that arbitrary strings identifiers of varying formats need to be accepted (e.g., DOI, LSID, Handle). This task is to modify metacat to support the use of arbitrary string identifiers for object creation, update, delete, and read operations, as well as to use these identifiers in result sets and other locations where references to the object are needed.
Individual tasks for read, update, insert. and delete will be entered for specific milestones.
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
High-level design for initial metacat implementation for CRUD operations has been checked into the Metacat source tree here:
RST sources are in sources, and to view as HTML, install both Sphinx and PlantUML on your path and run:
$ make plantuml html
Then open ./build/html.index.html
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 15 years ago
Linked metacat identifier design documents into the dataone svn tree under dataone/documents/Projects/cicore/architecture/metacat.
#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 14 years ago
The design for arbitrary identifiers in Metacat was completed months ago. Closing this ticket.