Bug #240
Members of dataone-web unable to edit (some) content
Mike Frame discovered that he's unable to edit the "Get Involved" page even though he is a member of the dataone-web group, and that group appears to have permissions to edit that page (Can add, Can edit, Can view, Can review are all checked).
Seems to be an issue with Roles, which I don't have access to manage.
Verified that Mike's logged in with correct account. Other members of 'dataone-web' unable to edit the page, though my account ("vieglais") can.
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Looking into this with Walbridge. If its not working for this group, it may not be working for other groups.
#2 Updated by Shaun Walbridge about 15 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Ok, I've added the dataone-web group to the Contributor role and assigned the contributor role to have editing permissions on published content. By default, published materials can only be modified by a manager role, though we can change this to match the needs of DataONE.
Groups can be assigned roles through the groups control panel (prefs_groups_overview), and then these roles are mapped to permissions in the portal_workflow tool within the ZMI.