


Story #2387

refactor CLI commands to correspond to API

Added by Matthew Jones over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Andrew Pippin
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


The current CLI application includes a command set that is confusing with respect to the current API methods. For example, the API defines a MNRead.get() operation, which is accessed in the CLI using the 'data' command, even though it sometimes will return data and others will return metadata. Also, the CLI includes a command named 'get' which doesn't invoke the similarly named API method, but instead displays a list of parameters set in the CLI. We should refactor the CLI to have the command set correspond to the names of the API methods, so that the correspondence is clear. IN particular, the CLI command 'get' should execute MNRead.get(). Others need to be reviewed for consistency. I suggest renaming the current CLI command 'get' to 'show', which is typically used in clients to show configuration settings.

By using the full method name from the API, the correspondence between CLI & API will be clear. We can then later allow unambiguous abbreviations of commands (see #2374), which will allow people to shorten commands.


Task #2389: Replace "get" with "show" command.ClosedAndrew Pippin

Task #2390: Implement "update" command in CLIClosedAndrew Pippin

Task #2391: Implement "delete" command in CLIClosedAndrew Pippin

Task #2392: Ensure that CLI commands correspond to API methods.ClosedAndrew Pippin


#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 12 years ago

  • Category set to d1_client_cli
  • Assignee set to Andrew Pippin
  • Target version set to Sprint-2012.07-Block.1.4

#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 20
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.07-Block.1.4 to Sprint-2012.09-Block.2.1
  • Position deleted (1)

#3 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 2
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.09-Block.2.1 to Sprint-2012.11-Block.2.2
  • Position deleted (63)

#4 Updated by Andrew Pippin over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

All sub-tasks have been completed (replace "@get@" with "@show@", "@data@" with "@get@", implement "@update@" and "@delete@").

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