Task #2302
Story #2300: Configure DNS for production
Configure backup DNS server
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 13 years ago
- Category set to Support Operations
From Dave:
On further investigation the DynDNS route won't provide a viable
solution for us. Features such as RR DNS are only available on the
much more expensive ($200/month) account, which would be overkill for
us. I checked and they do not offer any sort of discount for OS
I did come across "freedns.afraid.org" (among several others) which
sounds a bit rough, but the logs and status reports indicate that
whoever is running it appears to be on the game and has provided a
decent service for several years now.
I would suggest a minimal approach at this stage which uses UCSB as
the primary DNS and freedns for backup. It looks like axfr from
ns2.nceas.ucsb.edu works fine, so the only changes to config to enable
this as a backup DNS would be to add a record like:
dataone.org. IN NS ns2.afraid.org.
to the dataone zone file. I expect it will also be necessary to add
ns2.afraid.org as a secondary NS at the DataONE.org registrar.
Alternatively, we could setup DNS at ORC or UNM, but frankly, having
something completely off site is preferable and easy.
Let me know if this seems like a reasonable approach at this stage to
provide some basic DNS backup service.
Dave V.
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Added ns2.afraid.org to the list of authoritative name servers for the domain. Task complete.