Task #2072
Story #2067: Refactor the index task generator and processor to improve scalability and performance
Update the index task generator to listen to the hzSystemMetadata map for updated entries
The index task generator currently iterates through the entire map of system metadata entries, which is very inefficient especially as the number of entries increases.
The task generator should implement a listener that creates a new indexing task in response to creation or update of system metadata.
An example listener is available in the hzPeek tool in subversion at:
Note that a single sys meta entry may be updated several times in succession. The index task queue should be examined for existing entries for the same PID, and those should be purged if present, to be replaced by the most recent entry.
#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated generator to remove existing tasks that have the same systemMetadata PID and have task status of 'new'.
If tasks exists with same PID and process is 'in-process', 'failed', or 'completed' - no duplicate is removed and a new task is generated.
#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Created an EntryListener implementation for the systemMetadata hazelcast map. This listener is wrapped in a apache commons daemon for jsvc support.