Task #2041
Story #2025: Tool to list versions of dataone components installed on CN
Package and deploy version tool
This task will capture the effort to package and deploy the version reporting tool.
Single jar file with config file. Config file will be used to specify tomcat path, web app names to report, path to other jars to examine - (d1_process_daemon, d1_indexer)
#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 13 years ago
Need to figure out how to package jar/jars with configuration property file.
The main class will be executed taking the config property file path as input or use the 'default' known location if not provided.
#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 13 years ago
OUTSTANDING WORK - Add to cn buildout process.
#3 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Tested on cn-dev - installed properly and generated initial cn-version.html document.
java installed to /usr/share
shell script installed to /usr/local/bin/dataone-cn-version-tool.
Generate html output with the -html flag and re-direct output to desired filename and location