Task #2017
Story #2016: create production Certificate Authority
create secure root cert/key and signing cert/key for DataONE
We need a new certificate for root that is known secure. This root key should be offline and airgapped, and very long lived. It shoud only be used to create one or a few signing keys, which will be the keys/certs used to manage day-to-day signing operations, and will have shorter (but still fairly long) lifetimes. The Root key will thus be able to revoke any compromised signing keys, and generate new signing keys as the existing ones expire.
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
CAs for Root, Production, and Testing were created and checked into SVN at https://redmine.dataone.org/projects/d1/repository/show/software/tools/trunk/ca
Private keys fro all have been written to offline media and distributed to control points. Contact Dave or Matt for certificate creation.
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 13 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100