Task #188
Design cn_service packages
cn_service will be implementing the outward facing APIs (REST-ish interface) for the CN and the logic that will be tying together the functionality required from Metacat and Mercury.
This task is to layout the intended packages with descriptions of intended functionality.
Can be done as a single document describing what's intended or by stubbing out some code with appropriate javadoc commenting.
The design should be reviewed by at least one other project member before going too far with implementation.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 15 years ago
(see also #152)
#2 Updated by Robert Waltz about 15 years ago
Please review the attached document and when approved, move into the appropriate area of subversion.
Secondly, the hours listed included a proof of concept. In order to validate my approach, I tested integrating the various frameworks. With the proof successful, I am confident my design approach will work.