Feature #1615
review integration test coverage vis a vis new tiered interfaces
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago
- Position deleted (
1) - Position set to 1
- Subject changed from review integration test coverage vis a vis new tiered methods to review integration test coverage vis a vis new tiered interfaces
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago
- Assignee set to Nicholas Dexter
New methods were introduced with the new tiered interfaces. We need to review vs. what we already have in d1_integration. The primary java test cases are org.dataone.integration.CNodeIT and ...MNodeIT.
Data ReplicationIT and Synchronization IT are not up and running at the moment. (probably should be at this point).
#3 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago
- Position deleted (
2) - Position set to 27
#4 Updated by Nicholas Dexter almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
#5 Updated by Nicholas Dexter almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
getFormat: Identifier is now ObjectFormatIdentifier
getLogRecords: DNE
listNodes: no longer requires AuthToken parameter
registerSystemMetadata: DNE
get: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
getSystemMetadata: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
resolve: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
reserveIdentifier: now requires (Session, Identifier, string, string)
assertRelation: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
getChecksum: DNE
search: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken, and additional QueryType parameter
setOwner: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
isAuthorized: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
setAccess: old method using 4x string is now replaced with using (Session, Identifier, AccessPolicy)
setAccessPolicy: DNE
registerAccount: DNE
updateAccount: DNE
verifyAccount: DNE
mapIdentity: unimplemented stub that now require Session paramter instead of AuthToken
confirmMapIdentity: DNE
createGroup: unimplemented stubs that now require Session paramter instead of AuthToken, return boolean type
addGroupMembers: DNE
setReplicationStatus: DNE
updateReplicationMetadata: DNE
updateNodeCapabilities: DNE
register: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
#6 Updated by Nicholas Dexter almost 14 years ago
ping: DNE
getLogRecords: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken, missing start integer and count integer
getObjectStatistics: DNE
getOperationStatistics: DNE
getStatus: DNE
getCapabilities: DNE
get: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
getSystemMetadata: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
describe: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
getChecksum: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
synchronizationFailed: DNE
isAuthorized: DNE
setAccess: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken, 4*strings now replaced by AccessPolicy, now returns boolean instead of void
create: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
update: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
delete: now requires Session parameter instead of AuthToken
replicate: DNE