Task #161
Agenda for Dev Call 20100114
Please add agenda topics for this week's dev call to this ticket.
- Review of actions from last week
** Review and contribute to software needs for env science document (All)
** Some basic stats to be collected on current state of KNB + LTER network to assist with estimation of connectivity requirements. Mike, Mark, Bruce to forward, Dave to collate and estimate connectivity.
** Finalize CN REST interface specifications for 0.3 (Dave)
** Document attributes to be logged and the implementation of the getLogRecords() API calls (Dave)
Agenda for February CCIT meeting. Currently located at source:/documents/Committees/CCIT/20100216_CCIT_SantaBarbara/
Potential deliverables/charter for Semantic/Ontology working group
Use of Tickets to track "decisions" (see below)
Server for Mercury/Metacat integration. Where will this be, are we ready to start installation points?
Use of Maven and other developer build tools
Using tickets to track decisions: The concept is that we have risk tickets, and this is similar. Some discussion has been had about this, and I think there was support for going this direction. What would be involved is to create a ticket type of "decision". A decision gets resolved when the decision is made. Note that this method also allows a decision to be re-opened at a later point, should additional information be available.
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
VTC completed.
Notes and Agenda are in SVN here: source:/documents/Committees/CCIT/20100114_CCIT_VTC/agenda-and-notes.txt