Task #1346
Story #1341: Fix blockers to demo functionality
Write XSLT for Dryad metadata display
input format: coming from dryad MN (use an example dryad document from dryad or gmn dryad.
output format: example http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/metacat?action=read&qformat=knb&docid=knb-lter-and.2722.3
(xml of same is: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/metacat?action=read&qformat=xml&docid=knb-lter-and.2722.3)
also http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb/metacat?action=read&qformat=nceas&docid=knb-lter-and.2722.3
[12:09pm] chad: and you define a style in metacat with an xml properties file that links the publicid to the xslt
[12:10pm] chad: like this:
[12:10pm] chad:
[12:10pm] chad: /style/skins/nceas/nceas.xsl
[12:10pm] chad:
[12:10pm] chad: or
[12:10pm] chad:
[12:10pm] chad: /style/skins/nceas/nceas.xsl
[12:11pm] chad: that's in the nceas.xml file in metacat/lib/style/skins/nceas
send xslt to Chad to get it into metacat...
example xsl:
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz about 14 years ago
make certain described objects are shown in xslt by metacat for all objectFormats
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 14 years ago
- File aDryadItemSummary.xsl.xml
ryan: with this input http://datadryad.org/metadata/handle/10255/dryad.1138/mets.xml
[1:45pm] ryan: it produces something like http://datadryad.org/handle/10255/dryad.1138
[1:45pm] ryan: but I stripped out some of the more confusing parts
#3 Updated by Rob Nahf about 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Rob Nahf to Chad Berkley
sent files to Chad for testing
#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 14 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed