


Task #1209

Story #2004: Finalize Mercury for release

Verify that science metadata is rendered correctly on Mercury

Added by Dave Vieglais over 13 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Start date:
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% Done:


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The Mercury interface:

Is not rendering properly because of the stylesheets being linked to.

Stylesheets for mercury should be placed in a consistently available and more easily managed location such as the subversion repository and the Mercury page rendering templates need to be adjusted accordingly.


#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 13 years ago

I agree the stylesheets (and everything else) should be in svn, but in my opinion live servers should be referring to locally cached copies of those for performance reasons -- we really don't want to be hitting SVN (or any other external web resource) for every search that is performed on the system. At a minimum it would be undesirable because it would be a single point of failure in the CN system.

#2 Updated by Giri Palanisamy over 13 years ago

This goes back to my original suggestion. use of static file names, so that any D1 application can use it. To summarize:
- use svn as a repository for the style sheets
- have a static location for these style sheets
- use static names for the style sheets (since svn keeps track of the changes, there is no real need to create dynamic names)

#3 Updated by Giri Palanisamy over 13 years ago


I forgot to mention that we have changed some strategy here, we are currently using the Drupal's iframe to display the header and footer and using local style sheet for the content specific styles.

Dave - you have already implemented the iframe in the Drupal site using the pilotcatalog that is running from the Mercury server ( We can update the cn-dev pilotcatalog version with this change, then it can be used in the D1 Drupal as an iframe.

Please advice.


#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 13 years ago

  1. Stylesheets should be stored in svn (somewhere under software/cicore/trunk/cn-buildout/dataone-cn-mercury )

  2. The stylesheets should be incorporated into the CN deployment, along with the Mercury software as part of the dataone-cn-mercury package.

  3. Since Mercury is only provided as a .war, there will need to be some package post-install processing to ensure that the stylesheets end up in the right place and/or Mercury is appropriately configured to use the stylesheets.

It is not clear to me if there is a properties file or perhaps a template that can be updated post-install.

#5 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to Sprint-2011.41-Block.5
  • Position set to 35

#6 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 2
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2011.41-Block.5 to Sprint-2011.43-Block.6
  • Position deleted (42)

#7 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 1
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2011.43-Block.6 to Sprint-2011.44-Block.6
  • Position deleted (14)

#8 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Milestone set to None
  • Tracker changed from Bug to Task
  • Subject changed from Mercury page rendering messed up on cn-dev to Verify that science metadata is rendered correctly on Mercury
  • Parent task set to #2004

#9 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Giri Palanisamy to Dave Vieglais
  • Milestone changed from None to CCI-1.0.0

#10 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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