Task #1162
Bug #1141: unicode guid handling in mn.create()
override getPathInfo to replace censored characters
The Tomcat URI normalization process censors ";" and replaces some char sequences such as "//" with "/" resulting in mangled information being forwarded through request.getPathInfo(). The uncensored information is available through request.getRequestURI() however.
This task is to implement a custom HttpServletRequestWrapper which overrides getPathInfo() so that it returns the uncensored path information.
For example, given a request something like:
where the identifier is "http://some.id/of;interest", the normal tomcat request.getPathInfo() returns:
compressing "//" to "/" and truncating at ";"
The value returned by request.getRequestURI() is:
So basically what is needed is to:
- remove the servlet from the front of the path
- urldecode the remaining info
- return the result.
#1 Updated by Chad Berkley about 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee changed from Robert Waltz to Chad Berkley
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This is now fixed in metacat.