


Task #1124

Story #1086: Create a common test resources location

move common test resources to own package under /software/cicore/{trunk/}

Added by Rob Nahf over 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:
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Estimated time:
3.00 h
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moving common test resources to own package allows more seamless usage by unit tests in all of the other java packages (via getResourceAsStream()). Need to create a new directory structure and add it as a dependency to d1_common_java pom.xml. use the standard maven directory structure (src/test/resources). Create new resources and see if they can be accessed by d1_integration, d1_common_java, d1_libclient_java, etc.)

Related issues

Blocks Infrastructure - Story #1090: Consolidate common test resources into new shared package Closed


#1 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

keeping the location in d1_integration

#2 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to In Progress

#4 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago

the shared resource mechanism blocks automatic "inheritance" of the resources. getResourcesAsStream() doesn't seem to need this mechanism, so simply leaving the resources in the src/main/resources directory. (src/test/resources doesn't seem to work).

committed the package d1_test_resources
added it as a dependency to d1_common_java and wrote unit test for it - still need to get it working (not working from command line)

#5 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago

  • translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 2.0

#6 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago

* tested inheritance issues (availability of these resources from package that depends on d1_common_java), and the transitive inheritance does work.

* d1_test_resources is a dependency of d1_common_java (scope = runtime), and needs to be included in any buildout scripts that deploy d1_common_java (if tests need to pass).
* developers will need to checkout and install this package to put the jar in local maven repository.

Next step is Hudson configuration. (hudson needs to checkout and install)

#7 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours changed from 2.0 to 0.0

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