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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
4046Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalLaura to check with Mike re USGS-NWRC planningLaura Moyers2013-11-03 21:43
7896Member NodesBugIn ProgressNormalDryad data sets don't mark new versions correctly in SystemMetadata with obsoletes/obsoletedByMonica Ihli2017-07-24 10:10
4116Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalWork with FRIM to upgrade Metacat to 2.2.1 or laterJing Tao2015-01-23 19:02
5450Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormal(Waiting for) USC to complete development of MN stack (derived from GMN)Laura Moyers2018-08-31 15:26
7929Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalArchive content for SEAD2016-11-09 17:11
6382Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalICMBIO: Determine feasibilityLaura Moyers2015-11-19 17:21
5455Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalContact Line Pouchard to re-open discussion about PURL as a potential MNBruce Wilson2015-11-19 19:17
8378Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormal(OTS) replicate dataAmy Forrester2018-07-31 18:49
7151OGC-Slender NodeStoryIn ProgressNormalGenerate system metadata for contentDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:58
7148OGC-Slender NodeTaskIn ProgressNormalDetermine formatId for science metadataDave Vieglais2015-09-22 16:27
7146OGC-Slender NodeStoryIn ProgressNormalDetermine formatId for content retrievable from NODC servicesDave Vieglais2015-06-05 13:37
7219Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalUpgrade Django version used by GMN, add better support for PUT operationsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:24
8032Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalGMN v2Roger Dahl2018-01-17 18:55
6614Python GMNBugIn ProgressNormalGMN describe not returning DescribeResponse for IARC MNRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6497Python GMNFeatureIn ProgressNormalV2 GMN SupportDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7181Python LibrariesTaskIn ProgressNormaladd d1_libclient_python implementationDave Vieglais2016-04-21 22:37d1_libclient_python
317RequirementsRequirementIn ProgressLow(Requirement) Identifiers for all objectsDave Vieglais2010-03-15 22:12
7754Search UIStoryIn ProgressNormalSupport for XSL transform of various metadata formatsBryce Mecum2018-05-17 14:18MetacatUI
7498Search UITaskIn ProgressNormalSearch UI deployments need to be automatedChris Jones2015-11-21 00:36MetacatUI
3624InfrastructureTaskTestingNormalUpdate CN index processing to support ESRI FGDC metadata formatSkye Roseboom2013-03-05 23:27d1_indexer
5531InfrastructureTaskTestingNormalProvide overview of replication process for MN implementorsMatthew Jones2014-10-02 17:21Documentation
8106InfrastructureBugTestingNormalDifficulty Distinguishing Between Different Kinds of Failed Sync "Not Found" Error MessagesRob Nahf2018-02-20 16:57d1_synchronization
6378InfrastructureTaskTestingNormalcode up the new strategyRob Nahf2016-06-22 16:53d1_replication
8123InfrastructureBugTestingNormalportal hazelcast client should load config directly from xmlRob Nahf2017-12-26 18:20d1_portal_servlet
8026InfrastructureTaskTestingHighPortal reaches the maximum capacity in a poolJing Tao2017-03-14 00:36d1_portal_servlet
(1051-1075/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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