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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8727Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalNCAR Discovery & Assessment2019-01-22 18:34
7929Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalArchive content for SEAD2016-11-09 17:11
8750Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalreconnect eLTER MN to DataONERoger Dahl2018-11-28 16:59
7505Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalCorrect generous access policiesRoger Dahl2018-07-02 20:39
6927Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalR2R: Register any new object formats in all environmentsRoger Dahl2017-01-19 01:16
6614Python GMNBugIn ProgressNormalGMN describe not returning DescribeResponse for IARC MNRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6025InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalImplement support for CCI v2.0 in Python stackRoger Dahl2014-08-01 15:49
8032Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalGMN v2Roger Dahl2018-01-17 18:55
6789Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalRead API calls to the CN are hangingRob Nahf2016-05-07 07:59
7890InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalconfigure jenkins-ucsb-1 apache server to host ubuntu repositoriesRob Nahf2017-04-19 19:12
8566Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalTest RegistrationRob Nahf2019-04-16 17:17
8225Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalCustomize Indexing & View for gmd-pangaeaRob Nahf2018-05-17 14:30
6053Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalUpdate science metadata files to include ORNL schema typeRanjeet Devarakonda2014-11-24 14:57
7896Member NodesBugIn ProgressNormalDryad data sets don't mark new versions correctly in SystemMetadata with obsoletes/obsoletedByMonica Ihli2017-07-24 10:10
1159InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalAdd description of Group creation and management to design specs.Matthew Jones2014-10-01 20:47
1048InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalWrite authorization system specificationMatthew Jones2014-10-01 20:47
1061InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalIdentify approach to IdentityMappingMatthew Jones2014-10-01 20:47
1047InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalWrite Authentication system specificationMatthew Jones2014-10-01 20:47
8498Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalSANParks metacat not responding to harvest requestsMatthew Jones2019-04-15 18:09
4045Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalConversation with Laura/Mike re USGS ScienceBase planningLaura Moyers2014-05-30 19:45
5450Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormal(Waiting for) USC to complete development of MN stack (derived from GMN)Laura Moyers2018-08-31 15:26
6382Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalICMBIO: Determine feasibilityLaura Moyers2015-11-19 17:21
4046Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalLaura to check with Mike re USGS-NWRC planningLaura Moyers2013-11-03 21:43
4116Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalWork with FRIM to upgrade Metacat to 2.2.1 or laterJing Tao2015-01-23 19:02
3185Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalMake initial contact with FRAMES for participation as a MNDave Vieglais2012-09-05 02:12
(1026-1050/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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