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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
4667Java ClientTaskNewNormal- (Important!) No types implement equals or hashcode2015-02-11 20:08
4673Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom has warnings:2015-02-11 20:08
6876InfrastructureTaskNewNormalSupport for ISO 19139 metadata standard2015-03-10 17:27Format ID
6877InfrastructureTaskNewNormalSupport for ISO 19115 metadata standard2015-03-10 18:08Format ID
6945DataONE APIFeatureNewNormalMNRead.get uses the pid for the download filename, which provides a less that optimal user experience when the pid is an opaque identifier such as DOIs, uuids, etc.2015-03-23 23:37
7050Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalUSDA ARS2015-04-17 17:27
7161CN RESTBugNewNormalTERN object fails to be indexed by Solr, but successfully synchronized2015-06-05 18:04d1_synchronization
7162Python GMNTaskNewLowMember node does not check with coordinating node before replicating2015-06-05 23:49
7104InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEvent index reindexing shouldn't require re-harvest from MNs2015-07-09 15:34d1_log_aggregation
7301CN RESTBugNewNormalCN-stage allows connections to a MN that is operating a self-signed SSL server certificate2015-08-19 03:46
7312Java ClientFeatureNewNormalRestart connection manager2015-08-24 17:24d1_libclient_java
7440CN RESTBugNewNormalNon-discernable error during synchronization affecting (mostly) urn:node:mnTestAEKOS - "Client is shutdown."2015-10-20 14:46
7473DUGTaskNewNormalDraft 2016 DUG annual meeting brochure2015-11-09 22:38
7474DUGTaskNewNormalDraft generic letter of invitation that DUG SC can carry and distribute widely.2015-11-09 22:38
7475DUGTaskNewNormalWork with Erin/ESIP to distribute the brochure widely to students/faculty from UNC2015-11-09 22:38
7476DUGTaskNewNormalDo we need an event management system to better organize the DUG?2015-11-09 22:43
7484DUGTaskNewNormalDUG Agenda2015-11-10 21:39
6380Member NodesTaskNewNormalICMBIO: Initial Preparation2015-11-19 17:21
7524DUGTaskNewNormalExplore crowd sourcing for future DUG marketing effort2015-12-07 22:25
7525DUGTaskNewNormalassessment effort update2015-12-07 22:25
7528DataONE APIBugNewNormalIncorrect argument name documented for CNCore.reserveIdentier2015-12-08 19:51api_documentation
7531DUGTaskNewNormalQuote request for EAB meeting2015-12-08 20:13
7532DUGTaskNewNormalRegistration Form for 2016.2015-12-08 21:30
7533DUGTaskNewNormalCreate DUG 2016 Meeting page2015-12-08 21:44
7571CN RESTTaskNewNormalDescription for error code 401, detail code 4957 is misleading in some cases2016-01-05 16:25
(926-950/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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