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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
6760InfrastructureTaskNewNormalrename mnDemo9 node2015-01-14 00:44
6748Java ClientTaskNewNormalCreate a factory / builder class for converting versioned types.2015-02-11 19:47
6765Java ClientBugNewNormaljibx-maven-plugin incompatible with Java 8Rob Nahf2015-01-19 23:17
6767Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN crashes if the replication target is not respondingRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:19
8594Member NodesTaskNewNormalGOA: replicate to Research WorkspaceMatthew Jones2018-05-15 17:40
3658DataONE APIBugNewNormalDeleting objects breaks obsoletes chain traversalChris Jones2015-01-19 22:29
3643InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDecide on future of stage-2 environmentRobert Waltz2015-01-14 00:41
3635InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPhase two Morpho implementationBen Leinfelder2013-03-25 22:49
3605Member NodesTaskNewNormalInstall a new Metacat instance for the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) member nodeBen Leinfelder2013-02-21 16:20
3597Member NodesTaskNewNormalThe Avian Knolwedge Network (AKN) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird should be distinct Member NodesBen Leinfelder2014-04-23 01:32
8792InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCreate landing page for redirection from ONEMercury2019-05-01 14:03
3567Member NodesTaskNewNormalUnresolvable content on CN from ONEShare2016-06-03 13:43
3537Member NodesTaskNewNormalContact followup on MN prospectLaura Moyers2014-03-28 18:03
3535Member NodesTaskNewNormalContact LITS prospect MN to scope out prospectsMatthew Jones2013-01-30 21:15
3518Member NodesTaskNewNormalArctos: New MN discussionDave Vieglais2013-01-25 18:27
3501InfrastructureTaskNewNormalThe list of MN objects doesn't show an object, but the direct access shows it2013-01-18 19:13
3466InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd synthetic key to systemMetadata tableBen Leinfelder2013-01-08 18:30
3411Member NodesTaskNewNormalCollate documents of relevance to MN deployment and operationDave Vieglais2012-12-01 18:33
8381Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalDiscovery2018-02-27 17:32
3410Member NodesTaskNewNormalDevelop a Redmine Cheatsheet to help with a wider REDMine user community interacting with MN issuesJohn Cobb2012-11-30 19:36
3380InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade d1_client_hzpeek to Hazelcast 2.xDave Vieglais2012-12-12 16:50
8382Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalInitial Communications2018-02-27 17:32
8232Member NodesTaskNewNormalMN Dashboard/Website Deployment Workflow DocumentationDustin Allen2018-01-08 23:30
8383Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalFeasibility Assessment2018-02-27 17:32
8235InfrastructureTaskNewNormalArrange with KU library to make use of ORCID membership to support DataONE authenticationDave Vieglais2018-01-09 02:01
(901-925/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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