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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
4118Member NodesTaskNewNormalValidate FRIM sync against stage environment2015-01-23 19:02
4176InfrastructureBugNewNormalThe archive method in CN doesn't call back to the authoritative and replica MNs.2014-10-01 21:25
8346Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalTraining & Education2018-02-08 15:28
8347Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalTesting & Development2018-02-08 15:28
8077Search UITaskNewNormalUse ORE PID for citation if DOI2017-04-24 16:32
8348Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalMetadata Validation2018-02-08 15:28
8529DataONE APITaskNewNormalAdd field to Solr index that includes the obsolescence chain2018-04-10 05:21
4655Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom appears to bring in plugins as project dependencies (maven-jar-plugin, maven-clean-plugin)2015-02-11 20:08
4661Java ClientTaskNewNormalDeprecated methods give no indication of the (Java) version in which they will be removed2015-02-11 20:08
4663Java ClientTaskNewNormalsrc/main/resources appears to have config for log4j through commons-logging but neither logging library is declared as a test scope dependency.2015-02-11 20:08
3171InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd d1_ common_java d1_libclient_java and their dependency jar files to the morpho lib2012-08-31 17:27
3166InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd d1_ common_java and d1_libclient_java and their depency jar2012-08-31 17:15
3142InfrastructureTaskNewNormalNeed a new local search mechanism 2013-03-02 05:15
4664Java ClientTaskNewNormalRelated to above: Test classes bring in org.apache.log4j.Logger but it is not declared as a test dependency2015-02-11 20:08
4665Java ClientTaskNewNormalTests contain redundant code.2015-02-11 20:08
4666Java ClientTaskNewNormal- All types have the same serialVersionUID (10000000)2015-02-11 20:08
4667Java ClientTaskNewNormal- (Important!) No types implement equals or hashcode2015-02-11 20:08
5870Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Generate client certificate.2016-07-02 12:45
3080InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCalling Dataone client library in morpho 2013-03-02 05:28
4668Java ClientTaskNewNormal- No types implement toString2015-02-11 20:08
4669Java ClientTaskNewNormal- Regarding the style: A good addition to the types would be some builders, static factories and constructors as applicable2015-02-11 20:08
1644DataONE APIStoryNewNormalDevelop an object format creation policy2018-01-17 20:46
4670Java ClientTaskNewNormal- Regarding the style: The types are fully mutable with no field validations or constraints. 2015-02-11 20:08
4673Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom has warnings:2015-02-11 20:08
4675InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdministratively delete those pids with the white spaces2014-09-24 18:09
(876-900/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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