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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7666InfrastructureBugNewNormalmnTestMPC repeating attempts to set replica status to FAILEDLaura Moyers2016-02-25 21:44Environment.Stage1
7896Member NodesBugIn ProgressNormalDryad data sets don't mark new versions correctly in SystemMetadata with obsoletes/obsoletedByMonica Ihli2017-07-24 10:10
8052InfrastructureBugNewNormalGeohashed value is incorrectPeter Slaughter2017-04-07 22:06d1_indexer
8696InfrastructureBugNewUrgentdouble indexing of a resource map and another not processed because of resource contention (lock) on memberRob Nahf2018-09-12 00:22d1_indexer
3675InfrastructureBugNewHighpackage relationships not available for archived objectsRob Nahf2018-09-21 21:01d1_indexer
8361InfrastructureBugNewNormalindex processor throws unhandled NPE if task systemMetadata is nullRob Nahf2018-03-22 16:54d1_indexer
8123InfrastructureBugTestingNormalportal hazelcast client should load config directly from xmlRob Nahf2017-12-26 18:20d1_portal_servlet
8731InfrastructureBugNewNormalIndexing solr client method is building query with too many ORs, causing errorsRob Nahf2018-10-04 22:25d1_indexer
8106InfrastructureBugTestingNormalDifficulty Distinguishing Between Different Kinds of Failed Sync "Not Found" Error MessagesRob Nahf2018-02-20 16:57d1_synchronization
2968Java ClientBugNewNormalcn.getFormat() doesn't use cn associated with the CNode objectRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:56d1_libclient_java
7097InfrastructureBugNewNormalv1 call to yields a NoClassDef exception for boucncycastleRob Nahf2015-05-12 18:46
7746CN RESTBugIn ProgressNormalNode registration update fails when <contactSubject> spans multiple linesRob Nahf2016-04-26 17:30d1_cn_noderegistry
8093InfrastructureBugNewNormalresource map index processing is inefficient (2sec / referenced object)Rob Nahf2017-05-10 20:00d1_indexer
8827InfrastructureBugNewNormalsynchronization doesn't update dateSystemMetadataModified if that's the only field that changedRob Nahf2019-07-11 21:26d1_synchronization
8724InfrastructureBugNewNormalindex out of bounds error in PortalCertificateManagerRob Nahf2018-10-02 19:11d1_portal
6765Java ClientBugNewNormaljibx-maven-plugin incompatible with Java 8Rob Nahf2015-01-19 23:17
7432Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalJava Client does not support idFilter for v2 releaseRob Nahf2019-06-14 18:47d1_libclient_java
8735InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalNPE in IndexTask causes indexing job to failRob Nahf2018-10-18 18:33d1_indexer
8573InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalchanging accessPolicies and rightHolders down the line of series can cause improper sync failuresRob Nahf2018-05-03 21:52d1_synchronization
8783InfrastructureBugNewNormalsynchronization re-created 26k map entries in SyncQueueFacade.nodeIdRoundRobin Rob Nahf2019-04-02 20:10d1_synchronization
7370InfrastructureBugNewNormalTypeFactory.convertTypeFromType does not use xmlValue comparisons for Enum conversionsRob Nahf2015-09-21 16:07d1_common_java
6789Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalRead API calls to the CN are hangingRob Nahf2016-05-07 07:59
8182InfrastructureBugNewNormalrelationships defined using SIDs in resource maps don't stay currentRob Nahf2017-09-12 00:13d1_indexer
7687CN RESTBugNewNormalSynchronization unable to change BaseURLs upon updateNodeCapabilities notificationRob Nahf2016-07-22 19:22d1_synchronization
8045InfrastructureBugNewNormalcertificateLocation not seeming to be utilized Rob Nahf2017-03-14 20:45d1_libclient_java
(826-850/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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