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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8073Python GMNStoryNewNormalMake sure unecessary services are disabledRoger Dahl2018-01-17 18:48
8032Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalGMN v2Roger Dahl2018-01-17 18:55
7229Python GMNTaskNewNormalnon-standard server certificate locationsRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
7664Python register_node_with_dataone generates "nodeReplicationPolicy" XML fragment in node capabilities even when replication is falseRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:16
7125Python GMNTaskNewNormalHandle Authorization header carrying authentication tokenRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
5468Python LibrariesStoryNewLowRemove dead code from D1 Python stackRoger Dahl2018-01-17 19:57
7256Python LibrariesTaskNewNormaladd cnclient.synchronize methodRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6796Python LibrariesStoryNewNormalMigrate to Python v3Roger Dahl2018-01-17 19:43
3774Member NodesTaskNewNormalreturn NotFound exceptions for /meta and /object calls using "near miss" identifiersRyan Scherle2014-03-14 18:22
2414CN RESTTaskNewNormalImplement exceptions for search/solr endointSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 22:49
6336MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalDisplay MN POCs on the detail MN pages of the dashboardSkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:49
7032MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalAdd anchor to the MN dashboard for "upcoming MNs"Skye Roseboom2015-04-09 17:52
5322MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalAdd support for right, left keys on dashboard detail pagesSkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:47
6484MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalProvide paging/scrolling on MN tableSkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:47
5516MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalDate formattingSkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:48
5515MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalAdd number of MNs to overview displaySkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:48
6335MN DashboardFeatureNewNormalAdd total number of MNs to the summary page of the dashboardSkye Roseboom2015-04-29 22:48
3628Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowHarvard Filtered Push MNWilliam Michener2015-11-20 03:14
7571CN RESTTaskNewNormalDescription for error code 401, detail code 4957 is misleading in some cases2016-01-05 16:25
7301CN RESTBugNewNormalCN-stage allows connections to a MN that is operating a self-signed SSL server certificate2015-08-19 03:46
8810CN RESTTaskNewNormalVerify configuration of portal certificates2019-05-21 13:00
8809CN RESTTaskNewNormalAdjust for certificate configuration2019-05-21 12:57
7750CN RESTTaskNewNormalapply business rules on the CN that Subject strings will be stripped of leading and trailing whitespace2016-04-26 17:30
7440CN RESTBugNewNormalNon-discernable error during synchronization affecting (mostly) urn:node:mnTestAEKOS - "Client is shutdown."2015-10-20 14:46
1644DataONE APIStoryNewNormalDevelop an object format creation policy2018-01-17 20:46
(826-850/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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