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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
5887Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Resource Map content2016-07-02 12:45
5848Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Synchronization2016-07-02 12:45
5849Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Set up synchronization of the MN2016-07-02 12:45
5850Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Content Review2016-07-02 12:45
5851Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Data2016-07-02 12:45
5852Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Data content2016-07-02 12:45
5855Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Metadata content2016-07-02 12:45
5856Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Metadata is returned with the correct HTTP Content-Type2016-07-02 12:45
5857Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify that the Science Metadata is correctly processed by CNs2016-07-02 12:45
5858Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Resource Maps2016-07-02 12:45
5859Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Resource Map content2016-07-02 12:45
1331InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPossibly combine MN_crud.create() and MN_crud.update()2011-02-09 22:44
1236InfrastructureTaskNewNormalHighly variable response times from cn.dataone.org2011-01-17 16:34d1_cn_service
1234InfrastructureTaskNewNormalRecord performance metrics for member nodes 2011-01-15 02:52
5885Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify that the Science Metadata is correctly processed by CNs2016-07-02 12:45
8294Testing MN ManagementMNDeploymentNewNormalTest Node 22018-02-08 15:28
8521Member NodesStoryNewNormalCAFF: Testing & Development2018-04-06 15:17
8308InfrastructureTaskNewNormalReview use of /node/subject in the node documents2018-02-06 20:05
1226InfrastructureTaskNewNormalVerify that cn buildout is using the hudson generated Metacat war 2011-01-13 14:57d1_cn_buildout
1225InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConfigure Hudson Metacat build2011-01-13 14:41Metacat
8499InfrastructureTaskNewNormalImprove rendering of in search UI2018-05-01 01:07
8465Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormaltest: Develop or Implement MN Software2018-03-01 21:04
8466Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormaltest: Test Registration2018-03-01 21:04
8467Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormaltest: Display as Upcoming2018-03-01 21:04
8462Testing MN ManagementMNDeploymentNewNormalTest MN ticket2018-03-01 20:57
(801-825/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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