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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7298Python LibrariesBugNewNormalescapeQueryTerm should be a module method not a class methodDave Vieglais2015-08-18 15:06d1_libclient_python
7664Python register_node_with_dataone generates "nodeReplicationPolicy" XML fragment in node capabilities even when replication is falseRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:16
6767Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN crashes if the replication target is not respondingRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:19
6766Python GMNBugNewNormalFYI ONLY: GMN local install with self-signed CA certificate breaks with new SSL support in Python 2.7.92015-01-20 18:53
7739Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN Django models need to be adjusted for var char content greater than 1024 character lengthRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:47
7759Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN docs refer to /portal for identity managementRoger Dahl2017-03-28 16:45
6868Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN filters objects in list objects method from non-authenticated, non-rights-holder usersRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:19
7291Python GMNBugNewNormalpypi distribution does not have all filesRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:57
6614Python GMNBugIn ProgressNormalGMN describe not returning DescribeResponse for IARC MNRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6755Python CLIBugNewNormalpython CLI install instructions failRoger Dahl2018-01-09 02:44
8844Member NodesBugNewNormalServer certificate is expired2019-10-08 18:27
7896Member NodesBugIn ProgressNormalDryad data sets don't mark new versions correctly in SystemMetadata with obsoletes/obsoletedByMonica Ihli2017-07-24 10:10
8843Member NodesBugNewNormalServer certificate is expired2019-10-08 15:14
8845Member NodesBugNewNormalServer is returning a 500 error.2019-10-08 15:20
8846Member NodesBugNewNormalTFRI node unresponsive2019-10-08 15:26
8657Log ReportingBugNewNormalLog aggregation service not recording logs for the MNs - urn:node:TDAR and urn:node:OTS_NDC2018-07-16 21:36d1_log_aggregation
6765Java ClientBugNewNormaljibx-maven-plugin incompatible with Java 8Rob Nahf2015-01-19 23:17
7432Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalJava Client does not support idFilter for v2 releaseRob Nahf2019-06-14 18:47d1_libclient_java
7322Java ClientBugTestingNormalD1Object stores data in memory, causes out of memory errorsChris Jones2015-08-28 00:15d1_libclient_java
2968Java ClientBugNewNormalcn.getFormat() doesn't use cn associated with the CNode objectRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:56d1_libclient_java
6789Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalRead API calls to the CN are hangingRob Nahf2016-05-07 07:59
6542InfrastructureBugNewNormalUnable to add metadata document on mndemo82014-10-30 16:30Environment.Development
6070InfrastructureBugNewNormalCNs missing GOA objectsRobert Waltz2016-08-10 20:56d1_synchronization
6062InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalJenkins not cascading builds in trunkRobert Waltz2016-08-10 20:56Environment.Development
6060InfrastructureBugNewNormaldataone-cn-index install should fail if subtasks failRobert Waltz2016-08-10 20:58d1_cn_buildout
(801-825/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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