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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8376InfrastructureFeatureNewNormalMake the script file - (in metacat cn buildout) change the user name automaticallyJing Tao2018-02-21 22:48d1_cn_buildout
7876InfrastructureFeatureNewNormalCreate a new admin page for Metacat admins to register schemasJing Tao2016-12-21 09:11Metacat
8184InfrastructureFeatureNewNormala feature indicates to restart tomcat when hazelcast client died Jing Tao2017-09-14 19:14Metacat
8246Member NodesTaskNewNormalUpgrade metacat to the latest versionJing Tao2018-04-23 16:09
8247Member NodesTaskNewNormalVerify upgraded metacat is operating correctly as a production member node.Jing Tao2018-02-02 15:49
4116Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalWork with FRIM to upgrade Metacat to 2.2.1 or laterJing Tao2015-01-23 19:02
8587Member NodesTaskNewNormalAdd DataONE Logo to SanParks websiteJing Tao2018-05-09 21:19
3748Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalNormalPPBIO Member NodeJing Tao2018-08-31 15:20
8772Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalNormalmetaGRILJing Tao2019-10-08 17:16
3213Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalNormalUniversity of Illinois, Chicago member nodeJing Tao2020-01-23 22:42
6674Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalNormalOTS - Neotropical Data CenterJing Tao2019-06-10 13:03
3554Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalHighKNBJing Tao2018-08-31 15:16
6048Member NodesTaskNewNormalFix 404 NotFound erros on the EDORA MNJim Green2014-11-24 14:57
7922InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDataONE Accessibility Isis Serna2016-10-31 23:05
2594InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPrepare a Mercury MN overview for the workshopGiri Palanisamy2012-04-09 22:59mn.Mercury
8232Member NodesTaskNewNormalMN Dashboard/Website Deployment Workflow DocumentationDustin Allen2018-01-08 23:30
8771CN RESTStoryNewNormalIssue with LDAP when updating `nodeReplicationPolicy`Dave Vieglais2019-03-05 19:43d1_cn_rest
8749CN RESTStoryNewNormalFix log aggregation events from the CN without associated CN IPsDave Vieglais2019-05-01 22:25
7096CN RESTTaskNewNormalUnexpectedly closed streams / disconnects on UNM networkDave Vieglais2015-05-12 17:49
7918CN RESTBugNewNormalSEAD object only partially synchronized - missing autogen.2016092916012224122 document from /var/metacat/documentsDave Vieglais2016-10-21 18:00cn_metacat
6759DataONE APIStoryNewNormalObjectFormat ManagementDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:17
7838DataONE APITaskNewNormalModify the obsolescence chain process to accommodate the use case where both old and new PIDs are present on the CN for v1 MNsDave Vieglais2016-06-29 02:20
1443DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify operational requirements for monitoring and loggingDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
7839DataONE APITaskNewNormalOnline documentation places synchronize in CNRead apiDave Vieglais2016-12-21 09:04api_documentation
7127DataONE APITaskNewNormalFinalize CNAuthentication interfaceDave Vieglais2015-05-21 19:31api_documentation
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