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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8151InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCNs should verify that the authoritativeMN listed in SystemMetadata is a valid MNJing Tao2017-07-19 21:32
8150InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnable CN certificate to alter authoritativeMN property in SystemMetadataJing Tao2017-07-19 21:27
8146Member NodesTaskNewNormalFailed Sync ParserMonica Ihli2017-07-19 00:46
8145Member NodesTaskNewNormalTest FabricMonica Ihli2017-07-19 00:44
8077Search UITaskNewNormalUse ORE PID for citation if DOI2017-04-24 16:32
7890InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalconfigure jenkins-ucsb-1 apache server to host ubuntu repositoriesRob Nahf2017-04-19 19:12
8070InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConsolidate the index application-context filesJing Tao2017-04-13 12:51
7759Python GMNBugNewNormalGMN docs refer to /portal for identity managementRoger Dahl2017-03-28 16:45
8010CN RESTBugNewNormalCN.archive fails with 401 Unauthorized when using either MN or CN client certificate for PID with authoritative MN as urn:node:LTERJing Tao2017-03-21 17:10
7949InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnsure that there’s no race condition where an entry can be added to “IN PROCESS” if it is already presentJing Tao2017-02-27 17:55
8019Member NodesSupportNewNormalFollow up on Preferred Replication Target TestingMonica Ihli2017-02-14 19:52
3191Member NodesMNDeploymentDeferredNormalUC Vertnet Member NodeDave Vieglais2017-01-31 14:54
4296Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalSierra Nevada Global Change Observatory Member NodeLaura Moyers2017-01-30 17:01
7992Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Document and AnnounceLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:19
7991Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Ensure MN appears on Current MNs webpage (dashboard)Laura Moyers2017-01-27 22:19
7990Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Mutual acceptanceLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:18
7989Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Verify CN Content and Services in ProductionLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:18
7988Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Register MN in ProductionLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:16
7987Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Verify MN Content and Services in ProductionLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:16
7985Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Establish DataONE user identity in ProductionLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:15
7984Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Show MN as "upcoming" on the dashboardLaura Moyers2017-01-27 22:13
7982Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Verify CN Content and Services in Testing EnvironmentLaura Moyers2017-01-27 18:59
7981Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Register MN in Testing EnvironmentLaura Moyers2017-01-27 18:47
7980Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Verify MN Content and Services in Testing EnvironmentLaura Moyers2017-01-27 18:46
7977Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Local TestingRoger Dahl2017-01-27 18:46
(751-775/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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