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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7484DUGTaskNewNormalDUG Agenda2015-11-10 21:39
7476DUGTaskNewNormalDo we need an event management system to better organize the DUG?2015-11-09 22:43
7475DUGTaskNewNormalWork with Erin/ESIP to distribute the brochure widely to students/faculty from UNC2015-11-09 22:38
7474DUGTaskNewNormalDraft generic letter of invitation that DUG SC can carry and distribute widely.2015-11-09 22:38
7473DUGTaskNewNormalDraft 2016 DUG annual meeting brochure2015-11-09 22:38
7440CN RESTBugNewNormalNon-discernable error during synchronization affecting (mostly) urn:node:mnTestAEKOS - "Client is shutdown."2015-10-20 14:46
7439MN Service RegistrationTaskNewNormalUpdate the search interface to support rendering and other actions for servicesDave Vieglais2015-10-16 14:06
7301CN RESTBugNewNormalCN-stage allows connections to a MN that is operating a self-signed SSL server certificate2015-08-19 03:46
7296Member NodesMNDeploymentPlanningNormalGCOOSMonica Ihli2018-04-16 15:53
7291Python GMNBugNewNormalpypi distribution does not have all filesRoger Dahl2016-04-14 14:57
7256Python LibrariesTaskNewNormaladd cnclient.synchronize methodRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
7229Python GMNTaskNewNormalnon-standard server certificate locationsRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
7219Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalUpgrade Django version used by GMN, add better support for PUT operationsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:24
7199Python GMNTaskNewNormalImplement support for token authentication approachDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7170OGC-Slender NodeStoryNewNormalEvaluate the feasibility of extracting provenance information from the journal.txt documentDave Vieglais2015-06-08 21:28
7169OGC-Slender NodeTaskNewNormalEnable tracking of obsoletes / obsoleted by for data objectsDave Vieglais2015-06-08 19:01
7168OGC-Slender NodeTaskNewNormalGenerate system metadata for data objectsDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:59
7167OGC-Slender NodeTaskNewNormalGenerate system metadata for science metadataDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:58
7166OGC-Slender NodeStoryNewNormalCreate ORE document for an NODC data packageDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:50
7163Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowUN Environmental Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC)Bruce Wilson2016-04-04 17:17
7162Python GMNTaskNewLowMember node does not check with coordinating node before replicating2015-06-05 23:49
7155OGC-Slender NodeTaskNewNormalDesign the connector, including sources of key informationDave Vieglais2015-06-05 11:42
7151OGC-Slender NodeStoryIn ProgressNormalGenerate system metadata for contentDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:58
7149OGC-Slender NodeStoryTestingNormalImplement mechanism to retrieve a list of objects available from repositoryDave Vieglais2015-06-05 13:37
7148OGC-Slender NodeTaskIn ProgressNormalDetermine formatId for science metadataDave Vieglais2015-09-22 16:27
(751-775/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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