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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
410RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) The infrastructure must support long term preservation of Data2010-03-25 15:41
408RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Implement a Coordinating Node software stack2010-03-25 15:44
385RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Support arbitrary unique identifiers2010-03-16 22:09
389RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Implement a Member Node based on the ORNL DAAC2010-03-25 14:46
339RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Web presence to provide publicly accessible information about the project2010-03-16 17:36
7162Python GMNTaskNewLowMember node does not check with coordinating node before replicating2015-06-05 23:49
6766Python GMNBugNewNormalFYI ONLY: GMN local install with self-signed CA certificate breaks with new SSL support in Python 2.7.92015-01-20 18:53
3240Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowAZGS - Arizona Geological Survey member node2018-04-17 17:18
7145Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowPlutoF2018-04-17 17:26
3235Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowLITS - Long-Term Individual base Time Series project member node2018-04-17 17:23
7758Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowPolar Rock Repository (PRR) at Ohio State2018-04-17 17:28
3691Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowNational Institute for Amazon Research2018-04-17 17:25
3241Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowALA - Atlas of Living Australia member node2018-04-17 17:14
3683Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowPurdue University Libraries2018-04-17 17:30
5884Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Metadata is returned with the correct HTTP Content-Type2016-07-02 12:45
6380Member NodesTaskNewNormalICMBIO: Initial Preparation2015-11-19 17:21
6680Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Scope the implementation2014-12-04 20:07
5841Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: SSL Certificates2019-01-28 14:40
5865Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Log record access2016-07-02 12:45
6679Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Join DataONE2014-12-04 20:07
6681Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Plan the implementation2014-12-04 20:07
3239Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormal"Nitrous Oxide emissions Network" member node2018-04-17 17:13
6696Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Register MN in Production2014-12-04 20:07
5833Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalGBIF: Developing2019-02-19 18:24
6692Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Show MN as "upcoming" on the dashboard2014-12-04 20:07
(51-75/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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