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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7838DataONE APITaskNewNormalModify the obsolescence chain process to accommodate the use case where both old and new PIDs are present on the CN for v1 MNsDave Vieglais2016-06-29 02:20
7127DataONE APITaskNewNormalFinalize CNAuthentication interfaceDave Vieglais2015-05-21 19:31api_documentation
6759DataONE APIStoryNewNormalObjectFormat ManagementDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:17
1443DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify operational requirements for monitoring and loggingDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
1442DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify monitoring and logging use cases and requirementsDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
8529DataONE APITaskNewNormalAdd field to Solr index that includes the obsolescence chain2018-04-10 05:21
8528DataONE APITaskNewNormalAdd MNRead.getVersions, CNRead.getVersions2018-04-03 19:26
7684DataONE APIBugNewLowCall to MNStorage.update() via REST API returns java.lang.StackOverflowError2016-03-21 23:07
7578DataONE APIBugNewNormalFix 404 link to d1_instance_generator folder in documentation2016-01-08 22:01api_documentation
7528DataONE APIBugNewNormalIncorrect argument name documented for CNCore.reserveIdentier2015-12-08 19:51api_documentation
6945DataONE APIFeatureNewNormalMNRead.get uses the pid for the download filename, which provides a less that optimal user experience when the pid is an opaque identifier such as DOIs, uuids, etc.2015-03-23 23:37
1644DataONE APIStoryNewNormalDevelop an object format creation policy2018-01-17 20:46
2168CN RESTTaskNewNormalDesign UI for identity validationBen Leinfelder2015-01-19 22:59
1479CN RESTTaskIn ProgressNormalDesign web UI for validating newly created identitiesBen Leinfelder2015-01-19 22:59
8778CN RESTTaskNewNormalEnsure SystemMetadata replica auditing updates are saved and broadcastChris Jones2019-03-12 16:54d1_replication_auditor
8777CN RESTTaskNewNormalConfigure CN to audit objects greater than 1GBChris Jones2019-03-13 20:50d1_replication_auditor
8776CN RESTTaskNewNormalSet valid replica status to completedChris Jones2019-03-12 15:57d1_replication_auditor
8757CN RESTStoryNewNormalFix getChecksum() in MNAuditTask to use dynamic checksum algorithmsChris Jones2019-01-14 19:48d1_replication_auditor
8756CN RESTStoryNewNormalEnsure replica auditor is effectiveChris Jones2019-01-15 21:00d1_replication_auditor
8771CN RESTStoryNewNormalIssue with LDAP when updating `nodeReplicationPolicy`Dave Vieglais2019-03-05 19:43d1_cn_rest
8749CN RESTStoryNewNormalFix log aggregation events from the CN without associated CN IPsDave Vieglais2019-05-01 22:25
7918CN RESTBugNewNormalSEAD object only partially synchronized - missing autogen.2016092916012224122 document from /var/metacat/documentsDave Vieglais2016-10-21 18:00cn_metacat
7096CN RESTTaskNewNormalUnexpectedly closed streams / disconnects on UNM networkDave Vieglais2015-05-12 17:49
8867CN RESTBugNewHighCNCore.listChecksumAlgorithms() returns incorrect listJing Tao2020-08-06 00:06d1_cn_rest
8864CN RESTStoryNewNormalSychronization does not register authoritative replica entry correctlyJing Tao2020-06-19 21:59d1_synchronization
8770CN RESTStoryNewNormalIssue with CN handling of encoded identifiers in object/ meta/ node/, others?Jing Tao2019-03-05 19:37d1_cn_rest
8733CN RESTBugNewNormalException handling in ForesiteResourceMap needs improvementJing Tao2018-10-12 20:09d1_cn_index_processor
8582CN RESTStoryNewNormalReplica Auditing service is throwing errorsJing Tao2019-01-14 16:40d1_replication_auditor
8469CN RESTTaskIn ProgressNormalevaluate if ORCID API will continue to work after 1.2 is deprecatedJing Tao2018-03-22 16:54d1_portal_servlet
8010CN RESTBugNewNormalCN.archive fails with 401 Unauthorized when using either MN or CN client certificate for PID with authoritative MN as urn:node:LTERJing Tao2017-03-21 17:10
7903CN RESTTaskNewNormalNeed to implement/support the default http methods - HEAD and GET on all DataONE API (both cn and mn) Jing Tao2016-10-10 16:53d1_cn_rest
7849CN RESTTaskNewNormalImprove exception messages when cascading SSL derived exceptionsRob Nahf2016-07-19 17:23
7746CN RESTBugIn ProgressNormalNode registration update fails when <contactSubject> spans multiple linesRob Nahf2016-04-26 17:30d1_cn_noderegistry
7687CN RESTBugNewNormalSynchronization unable to change BaseURLs upon updateNodeCapabilities notificationRob Nahf2016-07-22 19:22d1_synchronization
7489CN RESTBugNewNormalprocessing daemon common-logging misconfiguredRobert Waltz2016-01-21 17:18d1_cn_process_daemon
5739CN RESTBugNewNormalLDAP upgrades fail with purge of dataone-cn-os-coreRobert Waltz2015-01-19 23:05
2487CN RESTTaskNewNormalHow does a CN handle the failure of MN replica to receive MNStorage.sytemMetadataChanged()Robert Waltz2016-08-10 20:51
2415CN RESTTaskNewNormalImplement exceptions for log endpointRobert Waltz2015-01-19 22:49
1412CN RESTTaskNewNormalMN health check performed by CNRobert Waltz2015-01-19 23:06
2414CN RESTTaskNewNormalImplement exceptions for search/solr endointSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 22:49
8860CN RESTBugNewNormal/token endpoint doesn't set a content-type and character encoding2020-02-29 01:00d1_portal
8810CN RESTTaskNewNormalVerify configuration of portal certificates2019-05-21 13:00
8809CN RESTTaskNewNormalAdjust for certificate configuration2019-05-21 12:57
8740CN RESTBugNewNormalCN resolve service returning 404 for some pids2019-01-22 18:41cn_metacat
8698CN RESTBugNewNormalCN Performance degradation2018-09-13 21:05d1_cn_rest
8630CN RESTBugNewNormalequivalentIdentity values use uppercase letters when the same person subject values are lowercase2018-06-26 14:15d1_identity_manager
8364CN RESTStoryIn ProgressNormalEnsure portal uses correct X509 certificates2019-05-21 12:57d1_portal_servlet
7911CN RESTTaskNewNormalSynchronization allows invalid checksums, preventing corrected sync2016-10-17 15:58d1_synchronization
7750CN RESTTaskNewNormalapply business rules on the CN that Subject strings will be stripped of leading and trailing whitespace2016-04-26 17:30
7571CN RESTTaskNewNormalDescription for error code 401, detail code 4957 is misleading in some cases2016-01-05 16:25
(1101-1150/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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