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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7476DUGTaskNewNormalDo we need an event management system to better organize the DUG?2015-11-09 22:43
8352Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalMove to Production2018-02-08 15:28
581RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) System supports multiple types of science metadata2010-04-20 20:45
6705InfrastructureDecisionNewNormalWhat behavior should be when a user request a sid when all the pids matching the sid were obsoleted2014-12-10 20:08
6679Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Join DataONE2014-12-04 20:07
1001InfrastructureTaskNewNormalLink documentation living with projects into ArchitectureDocs2010-10-21 14:55
8340Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalDiscovery2018-02-08 15:28
383RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) System supports data storage2010-03-16 21:35
8746InfrastructureTaskNewNormalRequire email address from user when logging in via ORCID2018-11-16 05:57
3235Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowLITS - Long-Term Individual base Time Series project member node2018-04-17 17:23
995InfrastructureTaskNewNormalimplement JSON formatted OLLs2010-10-25 16:45
3240Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowAZGS - Arizona Geological Survey member node2018-04-17 17:18
3241Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowALA - Atlas of Living Australia member node2018-04-17 17:14
1808InfrastructureTaskNewNormalMNAuthorization.isAuthorized() -> assertAuthorized()2011-10-04 16:08
3239Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormal"Nitrous Oxide emissions Network" member node2018-04-17 17:13
991InfrastructureTaskNewLowimplement HEAD /resolve/<guid>2010-10-13 22:02
1660InfrastructureTaskNewNormalRefactor REST calls so that mandatory args are part of the URL and optional args are key/value pairs2011-06-28 21:35
1651InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate Metacat ResourceHandler to field the PUT call on /formats/fmtid2016-06-22 16:51
468RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Design the cyberinfrastructure for the project.2010-03-25 16:51
1650InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate d1_cn_service ProxyCNCoreService and CNCoreController to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
1649InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate Metacat's CNCoreImpl to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
389RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Implement a Member Node based on the ORNL DAAC2010-03-25 14:46
455RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Installation of critical software must be well documented and as automated as possible2010-03-25 13:52
7301CN RESTBugNewNormalCN-stage allows connections to a MN that is operating a self-signed SSL server certificate2015-08-19 03:46
7525DUGTaskNewNormalassessment effort update2015-12-07 22:25
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