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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
5865Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Log record access2016-07-02 12:45
3166InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd d1_ common_java and d1_libclient_java and their depency jar2012-08-31 17:15
4664Java ClientTaskNewNormalRelated to above: Test classes bring in org.apache.log4j.Logger but it is not declared as a test dependency2015-02-11 20:08
439RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Maintain original copies of all science metadata2010-03-25 03:27
3142InfrastructureTaskNewNormalNeed a new local search mechanism 2013-03-02 05:15
388RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Implement a Member Node based on Dryad2010-03-24 13:36
5884Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Verify Science Metadata is returned with the correct HTTP Content-Type2016-07-02 12:45
374RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Periodic Reporting to Sponsor2010-03-16 18:11
1521InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCompressed Response2011-05-04 14:35
433RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Data and metadata is replicated to at least one other member node2010-03-25 03:11
4655Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom appears to bring in plugins as project dependencies (maven-jar-plugin, maven-clean-plugin)2015-02-11 20:08
7862DUGTaskNewNormalDataONE DUG page may need updating ( 15:00
1520InfrastructureTaskNewNormalStream Output2011-05-04 14:35
3080InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCalling Dataone client library in morpho 2013-03-02 05:28
6699Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Mutual acceptance2014-12-04 20:07
412RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Identifiers always refer to the same object2010-03-25 15:41
1519InfrastructureTaskNewNormalHTTP Byte Range Requests2011-05-04 14:34
6698Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Check Authentication and Authorization in Production2014-12-04 20:07
1518InfrastructureTaskNewNormalHow to support caching 2011-05-04 14:33
7525DUGTaskNewNormalassessment effort update2015-12-07 22:25
4711InfrastructureTaskNewNormalreplace SSL Certs for cn-unm-1.dataone.org2014-09-24 18:14
387RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Implement a Member Node based on Metacat2010-10-06 22:00
6696Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Register MN in Production2014-12-04 20:07
8362InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd the indication that the cn account list is sliced 2018-02-12 17:48
7475DUGTaskNewNormalWork with Erin/ESIP to distribute the brochure widely to students/faculty from UNC2015-11-09 22:38
(301-325/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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