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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
6615InfrastructureBugNewNormalApt-get doesn't work on mn-sandbox-unm-12014-11-18 18:45
8206InfrastructureTaskNewNormalReview and adjust memory allocation to Solr and zookeeper2017-10-24 16:03
8150InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnable CN certificate to alter authoritativeMN property in SystemMetadataJing Tao2017-07-19 21:27
8168InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEvaluate options for postgres replication configurationMonica Ihli2017-09-01 15:11
1234InfrastructureTaskNewNormalRecord performance metrics for member nodes 2011-01-15 02:52
6569InfrastructureTaskNewNormalconfigure jobs for tag 1.0.1, 1.0.0 and 0.9.0Rob Nahf2014-11-14 17:56
8792InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCreate landing page for redirection from ONEMercury2019-05-01 14:03
2133InfrastructureTaskNewNormallistObjects() datetime slicing2011-12-12 23:15
6565InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConfigure Jenkins jobs for ezid (ezid-client)Rob Nahf2014-12-15 18:36
4675InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdministratively delete those pids with the white spaces2014-09-24 18:09
2131InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCNRegister.updateNodeCapabilities() - nodeid -> nodeIdDave Vieglais2014-10-02 17:21
7949InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnsure that there’s no race condition where an entry can be added to “IN PROCESS” if it is already presentJing Tao2017-02-27 17:55
4704InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCreate a view of MN holdings from a CN perspectiveDave Vieglais2014-04-09 15:33
4711InfrastructureTaskNewNormalreplace SSL Certs for cn-unm-1.dataone.org2014-09-24 18:14
6705InfrastructureDecisionNewNormalWhat behavior should be when a user request a sid when all the pids matching the sid were obsoleted2014-12-10 20:08
7922InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDataONE Accessibility Isis Serna2016-10-31 23:05
3656InfrastructureStoryNewNormalintegration testing: what are acceptable pids for update?Roger Dahl2018-01-17 20:22
4712InfrastructureTaskNewNormalreplace SSL cert for cn-ucsb-1.dataone.org2014-09-24 18:14
2053InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCNReplication.setReplicationStatus() - Add info about serialVersion2014-10-02 17:21
8070InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConsolidate the index application-context filesJing Tao2017-04-13 12:51
8507InfrastructureTaskNewNormalSupport generation of citation metadata records from dublin core2018-03-19 22:37
3501InfrastructureTaskNewNormalThe list of MN objects doesn't show an object, but the direct access shows it2013-01-18 19:13
6389InfrastructureTaskNewNormalThe version of com.googlecode.foresite-toolkit is 1.0-SNAPSHOT on the d1_libclient_java releases2014-09-18 00:42
4717InfrastructureTaskNewNormalrefresh client certificate for mn-unm-2.dataone.org2014-09-24 18:14
7097InfrastructureBugNewNormalv1 call to yields a NoClassDef exception for boucncycastleRob Nahf2015-05-12 18:46
(301-325/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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