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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8470InfrastructureStoryNewNormalMake the spring context of the d1_index_processor daemon more configurableJing Tao2018-03-22 16:53d1_indexer
4278InfrastructureStoryNewNormalEML indexing - handle multiple temporalCoverage and spatialCoverage elementsJing Tao2018-01-17 20:04d1_indexer
8850InfrastructureBugNewNormalv2.3.11 RdfXmlSubprocessor / HttpService.getDocumentBySeriesId can be wrongJing Tao2019-11-06 18:32d1_indexer
8307InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCheck node subject on node registration and subsequent callsJing Tao2018-02-06 20:06d1_cn_node_registry
8841InfrastructureStoryNewNormalSolr Index processor don't parse the attributes on the otherEntity on an EML objectJing Tao2019-09-10 22:41d1_indexer
8587Member NodesTaskNewNormalAdd DataONE Logo to SanParks websiteJing Tao2018-05-09 21:19
8849InfrastructureStoryNewNormalDuring sync, the CN does not detect error returned from getChecksum()Jing Tao2019-11-06 22:07
8811InfrastructureTaskNewNormalMerge 2.3.9 changes to trunkJing Tao2019-05-21 13:06
8758InfrastructureStoryNewNormalIndex replicationStatus fieldJing Tao2019-01-14 18:00d1_indexer
8380InfrastructureBugNewNormalMN.update method doesn't check if the authoritativeMN is null on the system metadata of the new objectJing Tao2018-03-02 21:53Metacat
8796InfrastructureStoryNewNormalVarious issues with service access after upgrade to 18.04Jing Tao2019-05-21 12:38
8104InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade postgresql jdbc jar file on MetacatJing Tao2017-06-02 20:58Metacat
8247Member NodesTaskNewNormalVerify upgraded metacat is operating correctly as a production member node.Jing Tao2018-02-02 15:49
7949InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnsure that there’s no race condition where an entry can be added to “IN PROCESS” if it is already presentJing Tao2017-02-27 17:55
8379InfrastructureBugNewNormalremove or improve AuthLdap.getGroups logging statementJing Tao2018-02-27 16:51Metacat
8246Member NodesTaskNewNormalUpgrade metacat to the latest versionJing Tao2018-04-23 16:09
8448InfrastructureBugNewNormald1_cn_index_tool doesn't reindex an pid from a given fileJing Tao2018-03-02 22:06d1_indexer
8851InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCN sends error doc with "pid" to v2 endpointJing Tao2019-11-06 22:31d1_synchronization
7825InfrastructureBugNewNormalHazelcast service stops working after a whileJing Tao2016-06-07 18:53Metacat
8224InfrastructureTaskNewNormalmetacat not promoting node token privs for solrJing Tao2017-12-04 19:33Metacat
7933InfrastructureBugNewNormald1-index-task-processor stops processing task queueJing Tao2017-01-11 23:47d1_indexer
7935InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUse a dedicated hazelcast queue as the listener to generate index taskJing Tao2017-02-27 18:07d1_indexer
7936InfrastructureBugNewNormalSame pid with different status exists in the index_task tableJing Tao2017-02-27 18:07d1_indexer
8196InfrastructureBugNewNormalDuplicated replicas in the system metadataJing Tao2017-10-18 17:19d1_replication
8151InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCNs should verify that the authoritativeMN listed in SystemMetadata is a valid MNJing Tao2017-07-19 21:32
(251-275/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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