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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7212CN IndexStoryRejectedNormalAdd support for SIDs and altered "archive" functionalitySkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19d1_cn_index_processor
7098CN RESTStoryClosedNormalEnable restriction on nodeId for CN.listObjectsDave Vieglais2015-08-04 19:01d1_cn_service
7101CN RESTStoryClosedNormalAdd diagnostic support functions on CNs to assist with MN test and deploymentBen Leinfelder2015-07-07 23:42d1_cn_service
7197CN RESTStoryClosedNormalTest changes to Node RegistryAndrei Buium2016-01-05 17:39d1_cn_noderegistry
7202CN RESTStoryClosedNormalVerify proxy implementation for all V2 methodsBen Leinfelder2015-07-01 16:22
7206CN RESTStoryRejectedNormalVerify push system metadata changes are implementedSkye Roseboom2015-07-01 17:02d1_cn_service
7216CN RESTStoryClosedNormalReview replication auditor implementation and update for V2 supportChris Jones2016-01-05 19:09d1_replication_auditor
7422CN RESTStoryClosedNormalInvalid system metadata with some CN system metadata entriesRobert Waltz2016-06-14 19:43d1_cn_common
1441DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalReview and update the monitoring APIDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:49
3426DataONE APIStoryRejectedNormalFeedback on number of replicasDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:24
3871DataONE APIStoryRejectedNormalConsider use of a "proxy object" to facilitate access to streaming dataDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:11
7185DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalFinalize API DocumentationDave Vieglais2016-03-25 02:04api_documentation
7188DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalReview the token approach protocol and implementationBen Leinfelder2016-01-04 19:34api_documentation
79InfrastructureStoryClosedHighAdapt mercury to use metacat document storeRobert Waltz2010-05-21 19:28d1_indexer
174InfrastructureStoryClosedHighNamespaces for schemas etcDave Vieglais2011-08-30 02:02Documentation
259InfrastructureStoryClosedHighAs a CN, I need to be able to call any of the valid 0.3 MN APIs at any time.Roger Dahl2010-04-22 04:51d1_mn_GMN
262InfrastructureStoryClosedHighTool that will exercise the APIs implemented on both MN and CNDave Vieglais2010-08-02 23:41d1_common_python
326InfrastructureStoryClosedLowClean up design documentation for 0.3 and 0.4 releasesDave Vieglais2010-08-04 02:45Documentation
327InfrastructureStoryClosedLowWork through architecture TODO listDave Vieglais2011-08-30 02:05Documentation
330InfrastructureStoryClosedLowDocument design features of 0.3 and 0.4 releases for CE&ODave Vieglais2010-06-01 15:56Documentation
331InfrastructureStoryClosedLowGather short term security requirements for Fed Sec WGDave Vieglais2010-06-01 15:57Documentation
332InfrastructureStoryClosedHighDefine scope, requirements for semantics WGsDave Vieglais2011-02-01 18:34Documentation
333InfrastructureStoryClosedHighProvide cross references between implemented functionality and specificationsDave Vieglais2010-08-13 23:13Documentation
334InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalDocument the technical details for an application to interact with DataONE infrastructure (i.e. be member of ITK)Dave Vieglais2014-10-02 17:43Documentation
335InfrastructureStoryClosedHighDocument key areas of interoperability between DataNetsDave Vieglais2014-10-02 17:44Documentation
(1-25/1189) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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