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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3002CN IndexTaskClosedNormalUpdate metadata parsing rules for metadata returned from DryadSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 22:53
3003CN IndexTaskClosedNormalUpdate parsing rules to handle Dryad metadata Skye Roseboom2015-01-19 22:53
3004CN IndexTaskClosedNormalVerify term alignment for Dryad metadataRyan Scherle2015-01-19 22:53
7212CN IndexStoryRejectedNormalAdd support for SIDs and altered "archive" functionalitySkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19d1_cn_index_processor
7213CN IndexTaskRejectedNormalAdd indexing support for SIDsSkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19
7214CN IndexTaskRejectedNormalSupport for altered "archive" functionalitySkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19
7663CN IndexBugClosedNormald1-index-task-processor seems to of stopped for no apparent reason (stage environment).Andrei Buium2017-03-28 16:07d1_cn_index_processor
2168CN RESTTaskNewNormalDesign UI for identity validationBen Leinfelder2015-01-19 22:59
7098CN RESTStoryClosedNormalEnable restriction on nodeId for CN.listObjectsDave Vieglais2015-08-04 19:01d1_cn_service
7099CN RESTTaskClosedNormalDocument the changes to cn.listObjectsDave Vieglais2015-08-04 19:01
7100CN RESTTaskClosedNormalImplement changes to CN.listObjectsJing Tao2015-07-17 18:02
7101CN RESTStoryClosedNormalAdd diagnostic support functions on CNs to assist with MN test and deploymentBen Leinfelder2015-07-07 23:42d1_cn_service
7197CN RESTStoryClosedNormalTest changes to Node RegistryAndrei Buium2016-01-05 17:39d1_cn_noderegistry
7198CN RESTTaskRejectedNormalImplement integration tests for the new token authentication mechanismsAndrei Buium2016-01-11 19:41d1_cn_service
7202CN RESTStoryClosedNormalVerify proxy implementation for all V2 methodsBen Leinfelder2015-07-01 16:22
7203CN RESTTaskClosedNormalReview proxy implementationBen Leinfelder2015-07-01 16:22d1_cn_service
7206CN RESTStoryRejectedNormalVerify push system metadata changes are implementedSkye Roseboom2015-07-01 17:02d1_cn_service
7207CN RESTTaskRejectedNormalReview implementation of MN push for changes to system metadataSkye Roseboom2015-07-01 17:01d1_cn_service
7216CN RESTStoryClosedNormalReview replication auditor implementation and update for V2 supportChris Jones2016-01-05 19:09d1_replication_auditor
7217CN RESTTaskClosedNormalReview replication audit system for version 2 API supportChris Jones2016-01-05 19:08
7243CN RESTTaskClosedNormalNeed to document how to clean up the node registryRobert Waltz2016-03-25 02:43d1_cn_noderegistry
7244CN RESTBugClosedNormalview service returns a 500 error when given an non-existent PIDJing Tao2015-07-14 20:33cn_metacat
7418CN RESTBugClosedNormalechoIndexedObject returns xml version=1.1Ben Leinfelder2015-10-09 22:08
7422CN RESTStoryClosedNormalInvalid system metadata with some CN system metadata entriesRobert Waltz2016-06-14 19:43d1_cn_common
7423CN RESTTaskClosedNormalPython baseclient should handle invalid system metadata produced by the CNsDave Vieglais2016-04-19 18:26
7918CN RESTBugNewNormalSEAD object only partially synchronized - missing autogen.2016092916012224122 document from /var/metacat/documentsDave Vieglais2016-10-21 18:00cn_metacat
8809CN RESTTaskNewNormalAdjust for certificate configuration2019-05-21 12:57
8810CN RESTTaskNewNormalVerify configuration of portal certificates2019-05-21 13:00
1441DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalReview and update the monitoring APIDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:49
1442DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify monitoring and logging use cases and requirementsDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
1443DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify operational requirements for monitoring and loggingDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
3426DataONE APIStoryRejectedNormalFeedback on number of replicasDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:24
3871DataONE APIStoryRejectedNormalConsider use of a "proxy object" to facilitate access to streaming dataDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:11
7185DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalFinalize API DocumentationDave Vieglais2016-03-25 02:04api_documentation
7186DataONE APITaskClosedNormalClean up documentation on Token Auth approachBen Leinfelder2015-07-01 16:22api_documentation
7187DataONE APITaskClosedNormalReview API method descriptionsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 02:04api_documentation
7188DataONE APIStoryClosedNormalReview the token approach protocol and implementationBen Leinfelder2016-01-04 19:34api_documentation
7189DataONE APITaskClosedNormalReview the authentication protocolBen Leinfelder2016-01-04 19:29
7191DataONE APITaskClosedNormalUpdate implementation description as needed following reviewBen Leinfelder2016-01-04 19:33
7473DUGTaskNewNormalDraft 2016 DUG annual meeting brochure2015-11-09 22:38
7474DUGTaskNewNormalDraft generic letter of invitation that DUG SC can carry and distribute widely.2015-11-09 22:38
7475DUGTaskNewNormalWork with Erin/ESIP to distribute the brochure widely to students/faculty from UNC2015-11-09 22:38
7476DUGTaskNewNormalDo we need an event management system to better organize the DUG?2015-11-09 22:43
7484DUGTaskNewNormalDUG Agenda2015-11-10 21:39
7524DUGTaskNewNormalExplore crowd sourcing for future DUG marketing effort2015-12-07 22:25
7525DUGTaskNewNormalassessment effort update2015-12-07 22:25
7531DUGTaskNewNormalQuote request for EAB meeting2015-12-08 20:13
7532DUGTaskNewNormalRegistration Form for 2016.2015-12-08 21:30
7533DUGTaskNewNormalCreate DUG 2016 Meeting page2015-12-08 21:44
7800DUGTaskNewNormalabstract reviews ( 15:18
(1-50/1189) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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