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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7210InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalDeploy RC to sandbox environment2015-07-01 19:26
7212CN IndexStoryRejectedNormalAdd support for SIDs and altered "archive" functionalitySkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19d1_cn_index_processor
7213CN IndexTaskRejectedNormalAdd indexing support for SIDsSkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19
7214CN IndexTaskRejectedNormalSupport for altered "archive" functionalitySkye Roseboom2015-07-01 16:19
7245Search UITaskRejectedNormalUpdate ONEMercury to exclude archived PIDs from searchesSkye Roseboom2015-08-06 19:47
7246Search UITaskRejectedNormalUpdate Metacat UI search to exclude archived PIDs from searchesLauren Walker2015-08-06 19:34
7277InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalCreate a Java 8 distribution that can be installed on Ubuntu 12.04Chris Jones2016-09-06 18:52
7469InfrastructureBugRejectedNormalLogon to CN-DEV fails with LDAP error. Unable to add account details.Ben Leinfelder2016-01-04 19:18d1_portal_servlet
7939InfrastructureStoryRejectedHighIndexing is too slow, especially with large packages2018-01-17 18:58d1_indexer
8025InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalReview authorization requirements for all DataONE API methods2018-01-17 18:57Authentication, Authorization
8028InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalMigrate UNM CN servers to DMZ networkDave Vieglais2019-01-22 20:25d1_cn_buildout
8178InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalDesign and implement load balancing for the search indexDave Vieglais2019-01-22 19:03d1_indexer
8180InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalReview solr configuration, schema for efficiencyDave Vieglais2019-01-22 19:04d1_indexer
8203InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdjust memory allocation to Tomcat7 on CNs2017-10-24 15:34
(1176-1189/1189) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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