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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
455RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Installation of critical software must be well documented and as automated as possible2010-03-25 13:52
468RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Design the cyberinfrastructure for the project.2010-03-25 16:51
580RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) All software developed on the project should be open sourceDave Vieglais2010-04-15 22:57
581RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) System supports multiple types of science metadata2010-04-20 20:45
632RequirementsRequirementNewLow(Requirement) Monitor the DataONE infrastructure2010-05-28 20:10
820RequirementsRequirementNewHigh(Requirement) Common API for authentication and authorization operationsDave Vieglais2010-09-06 21:23Requirement
821RequirementsRequirementNewHigh(Requirement) Sponsor required functionalityDave Vieglais2010-09-06 03:28d1_common_java
822RequirementsRequirementNewHigh(Requirement) Object access and manipulation should be responsiveDave Vieglais2010-09-06 20:27d1_common_java
7218Search UIStoryClosedHighDeploy for use with Version 2 infrastructureLauren Walker2015-12-02 23:18MetacatUI
7245Search UITaskRejectedNormalUpdate ONEMercury to exclude archived PIDs from searchesSkye Roseboom2015-08-06 19:47
7246Search UITaskRejectedNormalUpdate Metacat UI search to exclude archived PIDs from searchesLauren Walker2015-08-06 19:34
7496Search UIBugClosedImmediateOnline Distribution information not displayingLauren Walker2015-11-19 18:52MetacatUI
7754Search UIStoryIn ProgressNormalSupport for XSL transform of various metadata formatsBryce Mecum2018-05-17 14:18MetacatUI
7950Search UIStoryClosedHighSearch for a published identifier should always show relevant results, e.g. Dryad DOI identifiersLauren Walker2017-03-20 21:11
(1176-1189/1189) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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