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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3327ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalClarify the 'Return to Search' vs 'Back' buttons when viewing science metadataChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3344ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImplement Simple vs Advanced search viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3345ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalModify Results filtering to accomodate addition and removal of search refinementsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3346ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove geographic components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3347ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove temporal components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3354ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalRedesign query text on the results page to use refinement boxesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3356ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalNumber the search results for ease of recallChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3360ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalProvide Member Node documentation on node naming best practicesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3361ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalChange the default simple and advanced search views with the 'only data' refinementChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3362ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalMove the 'Results per page' dropdown to only the Advanced Search and Results viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
6843InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalUpdate the prov instance of the RdfXmlSubprocessor to index renamed and inverse provenance propertiesChris Jones2017-03-28 16:16d1_indexer
3958Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate urn:node:mnTestNKN client certificateChris Jones2016-03-29 13:32
7597Java ClientTaskClosedNormalUpdate the ProvONE namespace used in the ProvONE_V1 classChris Jones2016-03-25 02:43d1_libclient_java
3746InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd CNCore.systemMetadataChanged() callChris Jones2016-03-25 01:00
7667CN IndexTaskClosedNormalIndexing of URL-like identifiers failsChris Jones2016-03-14 15:39d1_cn_index_processor
7596InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalUpdate the ProvONE namespace used in the RdfXmlSubprocessorChris Jones2016-02-01 22:42d1_indexer
7561InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalApply the redirect in dataone-cn-os-coreChris Jones2015-12-18 22:41d1_cn_buildout
7498Search UITaskIn ProgressNormalSearch UI deployments need to be automatedChris Jones2015-11-21 00:36MetacatUI
7389Java ClientTaskTestingNormalV2 D1Object fails to download V1 contentChris Jones2015-09-28 17:50d1_libclient_java
7335InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalConfirm that unlimited strength Java encryption policies are installed via UbuntuChris Jones2015-09-08 23:12Environment.Development2
7317InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd the BagIt file Packaging format to the object format listChris Jones2015-08-28 22:07d1_cn_buildout
7321InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalPopulate DEV2 MNs with real-world test dataChris Jones2015-08-27 21:48Environment.Development2
7290InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalInstall MN software on DEV2 environment VMsChris Jones2015-08-27 21:42Environment.Development2
7288InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalDisable insecure SSL communication on VMsChris Jones2015-08-20 15:56Support Operations
7263InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalInstall CCI 1.5.x on cn-dev-ucsb-2 and cn-dev-unm-2Chris Jones2015-07-26 22:33Environment.Development2
7269InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd CN node LDAP entries for the DEV2 environment CNsChris Jones2015-07-24 17:41Environment.Development2
7272InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd apparmor-utils to the dataone-cn-os-core dependency list for version 1.x Chris Jones2015-07-23 23:19d1_cn_buildout
7271InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd apparmor-utils to the dataone-cn-os-core dependency listChris Jones2015-07-23 22:35d1_cn_buildout
7262InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd the DEV2 VMs to the Debian environment configurationChris Jones2015-07-22 15:26Environment.Development2
7261InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate DEV2 VMs at UNMChris Jones2015-07-17 02:34Support Operations
7241Java ClientTaskRejectedNormalEnsure results of CNode.listNodes() are cached for a configurable period of timeChris Jones2015-06-30 21:50d1_libclient_java
7154Java ClientTaskClosedNormalAdd capability in DataPackage to make statements about anonymous resources in Resource mapsChris Jones2015-06-17 20:41d1_libclient_java
3745InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd Replica version attributeChris Jones2015-06-12 16:11
7120Java ClientTaskTestingNormalFix DataPackage.insertRelationship() to handle any URI for external identifiersChris Jones2015-06-04 21:48d1_libclient_java
3743InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalChange system metadata design documents to reflect MN authorityChris Jones2015-05-28 18:06Documentation
3744InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd MN API calls to update system metadataChris Jones2015-05-28 18:03Architecture Design
3359ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAddress confusing navigation buttons in science metadata viewsChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
3358ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAdd a printable view of science metadataChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
4788Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate a client test certificate for SCChris Jones2015-01-02 16:46
6363Member NodesTaskClosedNormalAdd the ORNL Mercury schema to the object format listChris Jones2014-11-24 19:07
6353Member NodesTaskClosedNormalAdd support for ORNL Mercury metadata schema to the Metacat schema catalog in each environmentChris Jones2014-11-24 19:07
6164Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate a production client for EDORAChris Jones2014-11-24 14:57
4267Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate a client test certificate for EDORAChris Jones2014-11-24 14:57
6047Member NodesTaskClosedNormalValidate EDORA content against the ORNL Mercury schemaChris Jones2014-11-24 14:57
6165Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate a production client certificate for RGDChris Jones2014-11-24 14:56
4268Member NodesTaskClosedNormalGenerate a client test certificate for RGDChris Jones2014-11-24 14:55
3509InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIssue certificates from D1TestIntCA for dev environment nodes, and revoke certificates signed by D1TestCAChris Jones2014-09-24 18:25Support Operations
3511InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIssue certificates from D1TestIntCA for stage environment nodes, and revoke certificates signed by D1TestCAChris Jones2014-09-24 18:25Support Operations
3510InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIssue certificates from D1TestIntCA for sandbox environment nodes, and revoke certificates signed by D1TestCAChris Jones2014-09-24 18:25Support Operations
6350InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd support for Qualified Dublin Core metadata to the Metacat schema catalog in each environmentChris Jones2014-09-11 16:00Environment.Production
(101-150/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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