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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3344ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImplement Simple vs Advanced search viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3361ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalChange the default simple and advanced search views with the 'only data' refinementChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3356ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalNumber the search results for ease of recallChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3354ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalRedesign query text on the results page to use refinement boxesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3362ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalMove the 'Results per page' dropdown to only the Advanced Search and Results viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3347ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove temporal components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3360ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalProvide Member Node documentation on node naming best practicesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3358ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAdd a printable view of science metadataChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
3359ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAddress confusing navigation buttons in science metadata viewsChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
7241Java ClientTaskRejectedNormalEnsure results of CNode.listNodes() are cached for a configurable period of timeChris Jones2015-06-30 21:50d1_libclient_java
1784InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalImplement CNReplication in Metacat's CNodeService using HazelcastChris Jones2012-01-03 16:46d1_replication
2759InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalMetacat should only parse XML documents against local schema filesChris Jones2012-10-05 15:15Metacat
3745InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd Replica version attributeChris Jones2015-06-12 16:11
3746InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd CNCore.systemMetadataChanged() callChris Jones2016-03-25 01:00
2404InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalUpdate metacat MN crontab entry syntax to not use "0/3" in the minutes fieldChris Jones2012-02-24 19:43Metacat
2178InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalUse Lock.tryLock() (not Lock.lock()) in MetacatChris Jones2012-01-17 18:04Metacat
3508InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalNon-production nodes should all use client certificates signed by the DataONE Test intermediate CAChris Jones2018-01-17 20:24Support Operations
1846InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalCNReplication proxy classes need testsChris Jones2014-10-02 17:44d1_cn_service
1787InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalCreate a callable CNReplicationTask class for remote executionChris Jones2012-01-03 16:52Metacat
1786InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalUse Hazelcast ExecutorService to update remote CN Metacat Science MetadataChris Jones2012-01-03 16:54
3474InfrastructureStoryRejectedNormalMaintain consistency across CN hazelcast backing datastoresChris Jones2014-04-04 04:20performance-scalability
3825InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalCreate a d1_ansible tag for the CN 1.2.1 releaseChris Brumgard2013-09-12 20:04d1_cn_buildout
1785InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalCN SystemMetadata synchronization when an offline CN comes onlineBen Leinfelder2012-01-03 16:55Metacat
(376-398/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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