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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3356ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalNumber the search results for ease of recallChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3354ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalRedesign query text on the results page to use refinement boxesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
1643InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd 'isScienceMetadata' field to the ObjectFormat typeChris Jones2011-06-13 23:39
3362ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalMove the 'Results per page' dropdown to only the Advanced Search and Results viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3347ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove temporal components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3346ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove geographic components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3327ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalClarify the 'Return to Search' vs 'Back' buttons when viewing science metadataChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3325ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove sorting components for returned resultsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
4041Member NodesTaskClosedNormalReview KUBI synchronization resultsChris Jones2014-02-20 21:21
2337InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalDeploy the CN stack on cn-sandbox-ucsb-1.dataone.orgChris Jones2012-02-29 16:12
2336InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalDeploy the CN stack on cn-sandbox-orc-1.dataone.orgChris Jones2012-02-29 16:12
2311InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalUpdate cn-buildout with new urn-style node idsChris Jones2012-02-08 23:34
1991InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalUpdate CNReplication and CNAuthorization interfaces with serialVersion changeChris Jones2011-11-02 22:54
1786InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalUse Hazelcast ExecutorService to update remote CN Metacat Science MetadataChris Jones2012-01-03 16:54
1778InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalImplement setReplicationPolicy() in CN serviceChris Jones2011-10-10 16:37
3603Member NodesTaskClosedNormalCreate production certificates for CLOEBIRDChris Jones2014-04-15 23:22
3952InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalQuery Redmine for MN locationsChris Jones2014-03-31 17:41
1720InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalImplement the Hazelcast Map[Store|Loader] interface for the replication task queueChris Jones2011-09-07 20:21
2338InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalDeploy the CN stack on cn-sandbox-unm-1.dataone.orgChris Jones2012-02-29 16:14
1718InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate Hazelcast replication configuration that uses TCP vs multicastChris Jones2011-09-07 20:17
8617CN RESTTaskClosedNormalFix CN to CN replication in StageChris Jones2018-06-17 16:33
1654InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate Metacat CN impl classesChris Jones2011-07-11 18:20
1653InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate Metacat MN impl classesChris Jones2011-09-01 15:33
3403InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalUpdate dataone-cn-metacat to increase postgresql connections limitChris Jones2012-11-21 04:58
3418InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate a content migration tool to copy content from the CN to an MNChris Jones2013-01-14 16:34
(351-375/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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