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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3602Member NodesTaskClosedNormalRevoke the CLOAKN certificateDave Vieglais2014-04-14 16:59
3380InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade d1_client_hzpeek to Hazelcast 2.xDave Vieglais2012-12-12 16:50
3381InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalUpgrade replicationstatusmonitor to Hazelcast 2.xDave Vieglais2013-01-08 18:29
4471InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalTest Ansible CN installation on Ubuntu 12.04 with Java 7, tomcat 7, PostgreSQL 9David Doyle2014-06-30 22:08Environment.Production
3575Member NodesTaskClosedHighORNLDAAC listObjects() fails when filtering formatIds with colonsGiri Palanisamy2013-04-19 18:54
2594InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPrepare a Mercury MN overview for the workshopGiri Palanisamy2012-04-09 22:59mn.Mercury
6048Member NodesTaskNewNormalFix 404 NotFound erros on the EDORA MNJim Green2014-11-24 14:57
4467InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalDeploy and Test Metacat on Ubuntu 12.04 with Java 7, Tomcat 7, PostgreSQL 9Jing Tao2014-07-18 03:23Metacat
6787InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalEnsure Java 7 Client code can communicate over SSLJing Tao2016-03-25 21:23Environment.Production
6065InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalFix dataone-cn-metacat installation to modify spatial and indexPaths propertiesJing Tao2014-08-26 00:50d1_cn_buildout
6039InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalMigrate all CN component POMs to Java 1.7 for support of the DataONE API v2Jing Tao2014-08-20 22:26
8098InfrastructureTaskClosedHighToken-based authentication fails with LE CN certsJing Tao2020-03-26 14:39dataone-cn-portal
3596InfrastructureTaskNewNormalFix Merritt Repository resource map typing of triple objectsJohn Kunze2013-02-19 02:27mn.Merritt
4105Member NodesTaskClosedNormalReview SystemMetadata 'size' field contentKavitha Chandrasekar2013-10-31 21:28
7490Search UITaskClosedHighSearch UI filter list does not render correctly under IE 11Lauren Walker2015-11-19 15:14MetacatUI
3617InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAddress LTERN Authentication Service's incorrect DN creation issue Mark Servilla2013-03-06 20:57Support Operations
4685InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd proposed CNRead view service to the Architecture DocsMatthew Jones2014-09-24 18:27Documentation
4686InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd proposed MNRead packaging service to the Architecture DocsMatthew Jones2014-09-24 18:27Documentation
4684InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd proposed MNRead view service to the Architecture DocsMatthew Jones2014-09-24 18:27Documentation
2595InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalCreate DNS entries for the USGS demo VMsMatthew Jones2012-05-17 17:10Metacat
2589InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalInstall USGS Member Node VMs for the workshopMatthew Jones2012-05-17 17:10
2602InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalModify CA scripts to not include descriptive text in PEM output filesMatthew Jones2012-04-23 16:56Support Operations
2591InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalPrepare d1_client_r for distribution for the workshopMatthew Jones2012-05-17 17:09d1_client_r
5498InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDetermine the cause of the Jun2014 cn-orc-1 out of memory issueMichael Campfield2014-10-31 19:11Environment.Production
4246InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalDetermine why cn-stage-ucsb-1 LDAP syncrepl is failingMichael Campfield2014-10-31 17:42Environment.Stage1
(276-300/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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