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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3318ONE MercuryFeatureRejectedNormalMercury UI improvements from ESIP feedback need to be addressedChris Jones2018-01-09 02:36
6870ONE MercuryBugRejectedHighFix handling of identifiers with url-escaped charactersDave Vieglais2015-04-07 20:12d1_mercury_ui
7322Java ClientBugTestingNormalD1Object stores data in memory, causes out of memory errorsChris Jones2015-08-28 00:15d1_libclient_java
1376InfrastructureBugRejectedNormalStylesheets on CNs need to resolve and link to MN data2014-10-02 17:37Metacat
8051InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalCORS-based CN calls fail using Internet Explorer on WindowsChris Jones2017-03-28 16:35dataone-cn-os-core
7570InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalSearch UI requests cause Out of Memory ErrorJing Tao2017-04-26 21:01d1_indexer
8183InfrastructureBugClosedNormalCNDiagnostic.echoIndexedObject() fails on resource mapsRob Nahf2017-12-26 18:20d1_indexer
7391CN RESTBugClosedHighSynchronization and replica updates fail after MN.updateSystemMetadata()Rob Nahf2016-01-05 18:48d1_synchronization
7604CN RESTBugClosedNormalInvestigate stack overflow exception in SessionAuthorizationFilterStrategyRobert Waltz2016-01-29 20:24d1_identity_manager
7857CN RESTBugClosedNormalCnIdentityLDAPImpl.createGroup() allows non-existent uniqueMember, disabling the service entirelyJing Tao2017-03-28 23:12d1_identity_manager
8733CN RESTBugNewNormalException handling in ForesiteResourceMap needs improvementJing Tao2018-10-12 20:09d1_cn_index_processor
7490Search UITaskClosedHighSearch UI filter list does not render correctly under IE 11Lauren Walker2015-11-19 15:14MetacatUI
7498Search UITaskIn ProgressNormalSearch UI deployments need to be automatedChris Jones2015-11-21 00:36MetacatUI
3319ONE MercuryTaskClosedNormalAdd functionality to clear a searchSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 23:09
3324ONE MercuryTaskClosedNormalRemove relevance ranking starsSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 23:09
3358ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAdd a printable view of science metadataChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
3355ONE MercuryTaskClosedNormalFix the search form to not need two search buttonsSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 23:09
3359ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAddress confusing navigation buttons in science metadata viewsChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
3362ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalMove the 'Results per page' dropdown to only the Advanced Search and Results viewsChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3361ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalChange the default simple and advanced search views with the 'only data' refinementChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3360ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalProvide Member Node documentation on node naming best practicesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3356ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalNumber the search results for ease of recallChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3354ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalRedesign query text on the results page to use refinement boxesChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
3347ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove temporal components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
3346ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalImprove geographic components of the advanced searchChris Jones2018-01-09 02:35
(1-25/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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