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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
4465InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalCCI 1.2.5 Feature ReleaseChris Jones2014-03-31 18:19
2335InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalcn-sandbox environment needs deployment and testing for RC2Chris Jones2012-02-29 16:20
6038InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalDataONE API version 2 needs to be supportedChris Jones2015-06-01 14:27
1644DataONE APIStoryNewNormalDevelop an object format creation policy2018-01-17 20:46
8749CN RESTStoryNewNormalFix log aggregation events from the CN without associated CN IPsDave Vieglais2019-05-01 22:25
7810InfrastructureStoryNewNormalNeed to avoid buffer overflow condition during HTTP client TLS renegotiationRob Nahf2018-01-17 19:09
3262InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalObject provenance needs to be supported across componentsChris Jones2018-01-17 20:27
3417InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalOrphaned MN content needs to be migrated to a new MN when possibleChris Jones2013-01-14 16:36
2588InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalPreparations for USGS workshop 04/2012Chris Jones2012-05-17 17:10
1652InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalRefactor Metacat MN and CN classes to reflect 0.6.2 APIChris Jones2011-09-01 15:33
4193InfrastructureStoryClosedNormalRelease CCI 1.2.4 FeaturesChris Jones2014-01-06 18:46
1646InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd addFormat() to the CNCore API2016-06-22 16:51
4031Member NodesTaskClosedNormalAdd a full description in the KUBI MN node documentCJ Grady2014-02-20 21:21
3358ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAdd a printable view of science metadataChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
3746InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd CNCore.systemMetadataChanged() callChris Jones2016-03-25 01:00
1717InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd CNReplication.isReplicationAuthorized() to the APINicholas Dexter2011-09-02 18:00
3319ONE MercuryTaskClosedNormalAdd functionality to clear a searchSkye Roseboom2015-01-19 23:09
1643InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd 'isScienceMetadata' field to the ObjectFormat typeChris Jones2011-06-13 23:39
1712InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalAdd MNReplication.getReplica() methodNicholas Dexter2011-09-07 20:19
3745InfrastructureTaskRejectedNormalAdd Replica version attributeChris Jones2015-06-12 16:11
3359ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalAddress confusing navigation buttons in science metadata viewsChris Jones2015-01-19 23:09
6353Member NodesTaskClosedNormalAdd support for ORNL Mercury metadata schema to the Metacat schema catalog in each environmentChris Jones2014-11-24 19:07
6363Member NodesTaskClosedNormalAdd the ORNL Mercury schema to the object format listChris Jones2014-11-24 19:07
1775InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalChange setReplicationStatus signature to include targetNodeNicholas Dexter2011-09-08 15:42
3361ONE MercuryTaskRejectedNormalChange the default simple and advanced search views with the 'only data' refinementChris Jones2018-01-09 02:34
(1-25/398) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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