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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8073Python GMNStoryNewNormalMake sure unecessary services are disabledRoger Dahl2018-01-17 18:48
8155InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalEnsure GMN fully supports the Package APIRoger Dahl2018-01-17 18:43d1_mn_GMN
6796Python LibrariesStoryNewNormalMigrate to Python v3Roger Dahl2018-01-17 19:43
8032Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalGMN v2Roger Dahl2018-01-17 18:55
8074Python GMNStoryNewNormalEliminate unnecessary setuid/setgid programsRoger Dahl2018-01-17 18:48
3656InfrastructureStoryNewNormalintegration testing: what are acceptable pids for update?Roger Dahl2018-01-17 20:22
5468Python LibrariesStoryNewLowRemove dead code from D1 Python stackRoger Dahl2018-01-17 19:57
7975Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Implement search index and display support for any new metadata formats required by the MN.Roger Dahl2017-01-27 18:34
6034InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormald1_client_cli CCI 2.0 supportRoger Dahl2014-08-11 16:23d1_client_cli
7977Member NodesTaskNewNormalGINA: Local TestingRoger Dahl2017-01-27 18:46
8750Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalreconnect eLTER MN to DataONERoger Dahl2018-11-28 16:59
7505Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalCorrect generous access policiesRoger Dahl2018-07-02 20:39
7703Python GMNTaskNewNormalGMN populating ipAddress in LogEntry with abnormal stringsRoger Dahl2016-06-22 17:19
7765Python GMNTaskNewNormalAdd "logrotate" capability as part of the GMN deploymentRoger Dahl2016-05-04 02:38
7125Python GMNTaskNewNormalHandle Authorization header carrying authentication tokenRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6026InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormald1_common CCI 2.0 supportRoger Dahl2014-08-01 15:49d1_common_python
7123Python LibrariesTaskNewNormalSend Authorization header carrying authentication tokenRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37d1_libclient_python
8742Member NodesTaskNewNormalGMN upgrade from 2.4.1 to 3.2.0Roger Dahl2018-11-13 19:14
6025InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalImplement support for CCI v2.0 in Python stackRoger Dahl2014-08-01 15:49
7229Python GMNTaskNewNormalnon-standard server certificate locationsRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
7256Python LibrariesTaskNewNormaladd cnclient.synchronize methodRoger Dahl2016-04-21 22:37
6033InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormald1_libclient_python CCI 2.0 supportRoger Dahl2014-08-11 16:22d1_libclient_python
6927Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalR2R: Register any new object formats in all environmentsRoger Dahl2017-01-19 01:16
8668Member NodesTaskNewNormalMPC- upgrade GMN version 1.2.10 to 3.0.4Roger Dahl2019-03-05 20:35
8672Member NodesTaskNewNormalCDL - upgrade GMN 2.4.0 to 3.0.4Roger Dahl2018-08-23 17:13
(1-25/57) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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