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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
6377InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalReview CNode initialization in ReplicationManager - it doesn't use local CN referenceRob Nahf2018-01-17 19:52d1_replication
4463InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalIncorporate Node Replication Policy into replication processingRob Nahf2018-01-17 20:03d1_replication
3666Java ClientStoryIn ProgressLowD1Client.listUpdateHistory() needs to handle changing access policiesRob Nahf2018-01-17 20:19d1_libclient_java
8738InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalHZEventFilter performance decline with increased task queue Rob Nahf2018-10-30 04:10d1_indexer
8172InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalinvestigate atomic updates for some solr updatesRob Nahf2018-01-17 18:39d1_indexer
8081InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormaldevelop federated broker configuration for indexingRob Nahf2018-01-17 18:46d1_indexer
7832InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalmigrate from JibX to JAXB for XML binding / codegenRob Nahf2018-01-17 19:06d1_common_java
8227InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalExceptionHandler regurgitates long html pages into the wrapping ServiceFailure message, which goes into CN log files.Rob Nahf2018-01-09 19:10d1_common_java
5313Java ClientTaskNewNormalenable remote deployment of product packages from Hudson / JenkinsRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:34
1585InfrastructureTaskNewLowadd exec-maven-plugin to trigger python integration tests at verify phase.Rob Nahf2012-10-16 21:32
4657Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom versions are mixed between properties and inline (e.g. <version>1.8.4</version>)Rob Nahf2015-02-11 20:08
4059InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd test to verify node is reporting correct nodeId in log recordsRob Nahf2013-10-07 19:10
6569InfrastructureTaskNewNormalconfigure jobs for tag 1.0.1, 1.0.0 and 0.9.0Rob Nahf2014-11-14 17:56
6565InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConfigure Jenkins jobs for ezid (ezid-client)Rob Nahf2014-12-15 18:36
7849CN RESTTaskNewNormalImprove exception messages when cascading SSL derived exceptionsRob Nahf2016-07-19 17:23
1552Java ClientTaskNewNormalCopy TestSimpleMultipartEntity from d1_common_java to d1_integrationRob Nahf2015-02-11 19:49
3811InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDocument the "non-standard" certificates being used for accessing content in DataONE and it's member nodesRob Nahf2014-09-24 18:27Support Operations
3577InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConfusing message about "Ignored Tests present".Rob Nahf2013-02-14 22:36MNWebChecker
3925InfrastructureTaskNewNormalnavigate through the ResourceMap confirm existence of identifiers on the MNRob Nahf2014-10-01 22:04MNWebChecker
3924InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPids in ObjectList should be the same as pids in the systemMetadata MapRob Nahf2014-10-01 22:04MNWebChecker
6399InfrastructureTaskNewNormalset up release practice for the MNWebTester .warRob Nahf2014-10-01 20:34MNWebChecker
6398InfrastructureTaskNewNormalupdate MNWebTest operations docsRob Nahf2014-10-01 20:34MNWebChecker
6397InfrastructureTaskNewNormaltest that it works from standalone .warRob Nahf2014-10-01 20:34MNWebChecker
8514InfrastructureTaskNewNormaldeploy new Metacat / synchronization slows down because of increased cn.create timesRob Nahf2018-03-22 17:07d1_synchronization
6376InfrastructureTaskNewNormaltest the new strategy against working ReplicationManager testRob Nahf2016-06-22 16:53d1_replication
(26-50/116) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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