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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8696InfrastructureBugNewUrgentdouble indexing of a resource map and another not processed because of resource contention (lock) on memberRob Nahf2018-09-12 00:22d1_indexer
8525InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressHightimeout exceptions thrown from Hazelcast disable synchronizationRob Nahf2018-11-16 17:32d1_synchronization
3675InfrastructureBugNewHighpackage relationships not available for archived objectsRob Nahf2018-09-21 21:01d1_indexer
8564Member NodesStoryNewNormal(CyVerse) Testing & Development Rob Nahf2018-07-02 19:56
3234Member NodesMNDeploymentTestingNormalCyVerse (iPlant) member nodeRob Nahf2019-03-05 18:36
8566Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalTest RegistrationRob Nahf2019-04-16 17:17
5835Member NodesTaskReadyNormalGBIF: Local TestingRob Nahf2019-01-24 16:53
5836Member NodesTaskTestingNormalGBIF: Verify that MN passes the Web TesterRob Nahf2018-09-26 19:57
8225Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalCustomize Indexing & View for gmd-pangaeaRob Nahf2018-05-17 14:30
4657Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom versions are mixed between properties and inline (e.g. <version>1.8.4</version>)Rob Nahf2015-02-11 20:08
1552Java ClientTaskNewNormalCopy TestSimpleMultipartEntity from d1_common_java to d1_integrationRob Nahf2015-02-11 19:49
5313Java ClientTaskNewNormalenable remote deployment of product packages from Hudson / JenkinsRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:34
6850Java ClientStoryNewNormalautomate Java Client releases Rob Nahf2018-01-17 19:42d1_libclient_java
2968Java ClientBugNewNormalcn.getFormat() doesn't use cn associated with the CNode objectRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:56d1_libclient_java
7432Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalJava Client does not support idFilter for v2 releaseRob Nahf2019-06-14 18:47d1_libclient_java
6511Java ClientTaskNewNormalremove the deprecated MultipartRequestHandler class from d1_common_javaRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:04d1_common_java
3721Java ClientTaskIn ProgressNormaladd resource map validation routine to libclient_javaRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:42d1_libclient_java
6765Java ClientBugNewNormaljibx-maven-plugin incompatible with Java 8Rob Nahf2015-01-19 23:17
1554Java ClientTaskNewNormalCreate MockHttpClient for testing in d1_common_javaRob Nahf2015-02-11 19:49d1_common_java
1555Java ClientTaskNewNormalModify TestSimpleMultipartEntity for use with MockHttpClientRob Nahf2015-02-11 19:49d1_common_java
3057Java ClientTaskIn ProgressNormalretest CLOSE_WAIT issue once the lib client is complete.Rob Nahf2015-02-11 19:52d1_libclient_java
6369Java ClientFeatureIn ProgressNormalResourceMapFactory.parseResourceMap does not return aggregated resourcesRob Nahf2015-02-11 20:56d1_libclient_java
6789Java ClientBugIn ProgressNormalRead API calls to the CN are hangingRob Nahf2016-05-07 07:59
8735InfrastructureBugIn ProgressNormalNPE in IndexTask causes indexing job to failRob Nahf2018-10-18 18:33d1_indexer
3577InfrastructureTaskNewNormalConfusing message about "Ignored Tests present".Rob Nahf2013-02-14 22:36MNWebChecker
(1-25/116) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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